Bite 1. Sum n numbers |
3.10Nonedefault argsfreebierangesum |
Bite 2. Regex Fun |
3.10findallfreebiereregular expressions |
Bite 3. Word Values |
3.10Scrabblefreebiemaxsum |
Bite 4. Top 10 PyBites tags |
3.10Counterxml |
Bite 5. Parse a list of names |
3.10freebielambdalist comprehensionsminsorting |
Bite 6. PyBites Die Hard |
3.10Counterfile processinggeneratorsnamedtuple |
Bite 7. Parsing dates from logs |
3.10datetimefile processing |
Bite 8. Rotate string characters |
3.10dequeslicing |
Bite 9. Palindromes |
3.10algorithmslist comprehensionsmaxreverse |
Bite 10. Practice exceptions |
3.10exception handlingraise |
Bite 11. Enrich a class with dunder methods |
3.10dunder methodsfunctoolsproperties |
Bite 12. Write a user validation function |
3.10classesexception handlingnamedtuple |
Bite 13. Convert dict to namedtuple/json |
3.10dictjsonnamedtuple |
Bite 14. Generate a table of n sequences |
3.10generatorszip |
Bite 15. Enumerate 2 sequences |
3.10enumeratestring formatting |
Bite 16. PyBites date generator |
3.10datetimegenerators |
Bite 17. Form teams from a group of friends |
3.10itertools |
Bite 18. Find the most common word |
3.10Counterdata analysislist comprehensions |
Bite 19. Write a property |
3.10datetimeproperties |
Bite 20. Write a context manager |
3.10context managersdunder methodsoperator overloadingwith statement |
Bite 21. Query a nested data structure |
3.10data structuresdictionary comprehensionslist comprehensionssorting |
Bite 22. Write a decorator with argument |
3.10decorators |
Bite 23. Find words that are > 95% similar |
3.10SequenceMatcherdifflibfile processingfindallitertools |
Bite 24. ABC's and class inheritance |
3.10ABCsabstractmethodclassesinheritance |
Bite 25. No promo twice, keep state in a class |
3.10classesexception handlingproperties |
Bite 26. Dictionary comprehensions are awesome |
3.10dictionary comprehensions |
Bite 27. Parse omdb movie json data |
3.10APIsglobjsonmovie data |
Bite 28. Converting date strings to datetimes |
3.10Counterdatetimefindall |
Bite 29. Martin's IQ test |
3.10enumeratestring module |
Bite 30. Movie data analysis |
3.10data analysisdefaultdictfreebiemeanmovie datanamedtuplesorting |
Bite 31. Matrix multiplication / @ operator |
3.10__matmul__dunder methodsoperator overloading |
Bite 32. Don't let mutability fool you |
3.10deepcopymutability |
Bite 33. Transpose a data structure |
3.10dictzip |
Bite 34. Building a Karma app - implement the User class |
3.10classesdunder methodsnamedtupleoperator overloadingproperties |
Bite 35. Having fun with heapq |
3.10datetimeheapq |
Bite 36. Having fun with *args and **kwargs |
3.10argsfunction argumentskwargs |
Bite 37. Rewrite a for loop using recursion |
3.10recursionreverse |
Bite 38. Using ElementTree to parse XML |
3.10movie dataxml |
Bite 39. Calculate the total duration of a course |
3.10datetimefindallnumberstimedelta |
Bite 40. Write a binary search algorithm |
3.10algorithmsbinary search |
Bite 41. Write a login_required decorator |
3.10decoratorsfunctools |
Bite 42. Number Guessing Game Class |
3.10classesgamesrandom |
Bite 43. Force keyword arguments |
3.10function argumentskwargs |
Bite 44. License key generator |
3.10list comprehensionssecretsstring module |
Bite 45. Keep a queue of last n items |
3.10deque |
Bite 46. You are a programmer! Code Fizz Buzz |
3.10fizzbuzz |
Bite 47. Write a new password field validator |
3.10restring module |
Bite 48. Make a bar chart of new Safari books |
3.10bar chartdata analysis |
Bite 49. Scrape Packt's html with BeautifulSoup |
3.10beautifulsoupnamedtuplerequests |
Bite 50. Make a little PyBites search engine (feedparser) |
3.10anyfeedparserlist comprehensionsnamedtuplesearch |
Bite 51. When does Python 2 die on Planet Miller? |
3.10datetime |
Bite 52. Create a movie quote API with Flask |
3.10APIsFlaskmovie data |
Bite 53. Convert text into multiple columns |
3.10string manipulation |
Bite 54. Nicer formatting of a poem or text |
3.10string manipulationtextwrap |
Bite 55. Get the latest game releases from Steam's RSS feed |
3.10feedparsernamedtuple |
Bite 56. Add a command line interface to our BMI calculator |
3.10argparse |
Bite 57. Create a simple calculator that receives command line arguments |
3.10argparsefunctoolsreduce |
Bite 58. Using argparse to interface with a grocery cart |
3.10argparse |
Bite 59. Create a multiplication table class of variable length |
3.10classesdunder methodsexception handlingnumbers |
Bite 60. Create a deck of Uno cards |
3.10list comprehensionslistnamedtuple |
Bite 61. Create a variable size Paw Patrol card deck with random actions |
3.10itertoolsnamedtuplerandomstring module |
Bite 62. Data structures matter - speed up your Python code |
3.10data structuresperformance |
Bite 63. Use an infinite iterator to simulate a traffic light |
3.10iteratorsitertoolsnamedtuple |
Bite 64. Fix a truncating zip function |
3.10itertoolszip |
Bite 65. Get all valid dictionary words for a draw of letters |
3.10Scrabbleitertoolsset |
Bite 66. Calculate the running average of a sequence |
3.10enumerateitertoolsmean |
Bite 67. Working with datetimes |
3.10datetimetimedelta |
Bite 68. Remove punctuation characters from a string |
3.10string manipulationstring module |
Bite 69. Regex Fun - part II |
3.10reregular expressions |
Bite 70. Create your own iterator |
iteratorsrandom |
Bite 71. Keep state in a class + make its instance callable |
3.10classesdunder methods |
Bite 72. Retrieve the right Ninja Belt based on score |
3.10OrderedDictitertools |
Bite 73. Organize a meeting between timezones (pytz) |
3.10pytztimezones |
Bite 74. What day of the week were you born on? |
3.10calendar |
Bite 75. Parse Unix cal to a weekday mapping |
3.10Unixrezip |
Bite 76. The singledispatch countdown challenge |
3.10decoratorsfunctoolssingledispatch |
Bite 77. New places to travel to |
3.10set operationsset |
Bite 78. Find programmers with common languages |
3.10set operationsset |
Bite 79. Parse a csv file and create a bar chart |
3.10bar chartcommunitycsvrequests |
Bite 80. Check equality of two lists |
3.10enumequalitylist |
Bite 81. Filter and order tweets by polarity values |
3.10TextBlobTwitternamedtuple |
Bite 82. Define a Score Enum and customize it adding methods |
3.10__str__classmethodenum |
Bite 83. At what time does PyBites live? |
3.10pytztimezones |
Bite 84. Flatten lists recursively (Droste Bite) |
3.10listrecursion |
Bite 85. Write a score property |
3.10classesproperties |
Bite 86. Create a RGB-to-Hex converter |
3.10string formatting |
Bite 87. Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals |
3.10OrderedDictnumbers |
Bite 88. Write a performance monitoring context manager |
3.10Countercontext managers |
Bite 89. Playing with lists and dicts |
3.10data structuresdictlist |
Bite 90. What South Park characters talk most? |
3.10Countercsvdata analysisdefaultdictrequests |
Bite 91. Matching multiple strings |
3.10allanystring matching |
Bite 92. Humanize a datetime |
3.10datetimenamedtuple |
Bite 93. Rock-paper-scissors and generator's send |
3.10coroutinesgamesrandom |
Bite 94. Parse PyCon talk data from YouTube |
3.10list comprehensionsmaxnamedtuple |
Bite 95. Subclass the dict built-in |
3.10classesinheritance |
Bite 96. Build Unix' wc program in Python |
3.10Unixfile processingtempfile |
Bite 97. BeautifulSoup II - scrape US holidays |
3.10beautifulsoupdefaultdictdict |
Bite 98. Code your way out of a grid |
3.10loopingnamedtuplenumberstuple unpacking |
Bite 99. Write an infinite sequence generator |
3.10generatorsitertoolsstring modulezip |
Bite 100. Display the last part of a file (Unix tail) |
3.10Unixfile processingslicingstrip |
Intro Bite 01. F-strings and a simple if/else |
3.10f-stringsfreebieif/else |
Intro Bite 02. Infinite loop, input, continue and break |
3.10breakcontinuefreebieinputmock.patchwhile |
Intro Bite 03. Loop through a dictionary and pluralise a word |
3.10dictfreebielooping |
Intro Bite 04. Split and join |
3.10freebiejoinsplit |
Intro Bite 05. Slice and dice |
3.10freebiereplaceslicingsplitstring modulestrip |
Intro Bite 06. Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements |
3.10Zen of Pythoncountingfreebieregular expressionsreplacestring manipulation |
Intro Bite 07. Filter numbers with a list comprehension |
3.10freebielist comprehensionsmodulo |
Intro Bite 08. Loop over a dict of namedtuples calculating a total score |
3.10countingdictfreebienamedtuple |
Intro Bite 09. Workout dictionary lookups |
3.10dictexception handlingformatfreebiestring manipulationternary |
Intro Bite 10. Type conversion and exception handling |
3.10exception handlingfreebieraisetype casting |
Bite 111. Use the ipinfo API to lookup IP country |
3.10APIsjsonmock.patchrequests |
Bite 112. Social Media Username Validator |
3.10namedtuplerangereregular expressionsstring manipulationstring matchingtyping |
Bite 113. Filter words with non-ascii characters |
3.10allasciiordunicode |
Bite 114. Implement a Color class with staticmethod |
3.10__repr____str__hexstaticmethodstring module |
Bite 115. Count leading spaces |
3.10countingstring matching |
Bite 116. List and filter files in a directory |
3.10generatorsglobos module |
Bite 117. Round a number even (a.k.a. banker's rounding) |
3.10Decimalrounding |
Bite 118. List exercise: return first occurrence indices of duplicated words |
3.10countinglist comprehensionsset |
Bite 119. Xmas tree generator |
3.10default argsjoinrangestring formatting |
Bite 120. Write a numbers validation decorator |
3.10decorators |
Bite 121. Determine the strength of a password |
3.10restring matching |
Bite 122. Check if two words are anagrams |
3.10anagramstring matching |
Bite 123. Find the user with most friends |
3.10defaultdictloopingsortingtuples |
Bite 124. Marvel data analysis |
3.10Countercsvdata analysislist comprehensionsroundingsum |
Bite 125. Get the most recommended books |
3.10Counterbeautifulsoupdefault argslist comprehensionsrequests |
Bite 126. The Emoji (Unicode) Bite |
3.10emojissysunicode |
Bite 127. Return the right ordinal suffix for a number |
3.10dictmodulonumbersstring manipulation |
Bite 128. Work with datetime's strptime and strftime |
3.10datetimestrftimestrptime |
Bite 129. Analyze Stock Data |
3.10countingdata analysisjsonrequestssortingstring manipulation |
Bite 130. Analyze some basic Car Data |
3.10Counterdata analysislist comprehensionsset |
Bite 131. Screen scraper |
3.10dictindexregular expressionsslicingstring manipulation |
Bite 132. Find the word with the most vowels |
3.10countinglambdalist comprehensionsstring matching |
Bite 133. Convert an Amazon URL into an affiliation link |
3.10regular expressionsstring manipulation |
Bite 134. Two Sums |
3.10indexloopingsortingsum |
Bite 135. Sort a list of book objects |
3.10attrgetterdatetimelambdalistnamedtupleoperatorsorting |
Bite 136. Bloodtypes |
3.10enumexception handlingmulti type input |
Bite 137. Gourmets' Nightmare |
3.10Counterintersectionoperatorsorting |
Bite 138. OOP fun at the Zoo |
3.10__str__classesclassmethoditertools |
Bite 139. Calculate a coding streak in days |
3.10datetimestring manipulationtimedelta |
Bite 140. PyBites First Pandas Bite |
3.10csvdata analysispandas |
Bite 141. Primitive date format inferrer |
3.10classmethoddatetimeenumexception handling |
Bite 142. Exception Handling: Calculate the Winning Player |
3.10exception handlingnamedtuplenumbers |
Bite 143. Look up a value in 3 dictionaries |
3.10collectionsdict |
Bite 144. Calculate the Number of Months Passed |
3.10datetimedateutilexception handling |
Bite 145. Record Breakers |
3.10csvdata analysispandas |
Bite 146. Rhombus generator |
3.10f-stringsformatstring formatting |
Bite 147. 100 WEEKDays of Code Date Range |
3.10datetimedateutil |
Bite 148. Print Car Data Grouped by Manufacturer |
3.10data structuresitertoolsoperatorsorting |
Bite 149. Sorting words with constraint |
3.10lambdasortingstring manipulation |
Bite 150. Turn messy CSV into JSON |
3.10csvjsonpandasrestring manipulation |
Bite 151. Contemporary Composers |
3.10datetimedictexception handlinggeneratorsnamedtuple |
Bite 152. Manipulate string decorator |
3.10decoratorskwargsliststring manipulation |
Bite 153. Round a sequence of numbers |
3.10list comprehensionsmathrounding |
Bite 154. Write your own Data Class |
3.10data structuresdataclasseshashablesortingtype hinting |
Bite 155. Split a string by spaces or quoted text |
3.10splitstring manipulation |
Bite 156. Make an index of story characters |
3.10collectionsdefaultdictenumeratesortingstring matching |
Bite 157. Filter out accented characters |
3.10string matchingunicode |
Bite 158. Subclass the list built-in |
3.10dunder methodsexception handlinginheritancelistmeanmedianoperator overloadingpropertiesstatistics |
Bite 159. Create a simple calculator |
3.10exception handlingnumbersoperator |
Bite 160. 15-way Rock Paper Scissors |
3.10csvdictexception handlinggames |
Bite 161. Count the number of files and directories |
3.10countingdirectoriesfilesos module |
Bite 162. Vertically align output of counters |
3.10string formatting |
Bite 163. Which packages were upgraded? |
3.10comparisondictnumbersstring manipulation |
Bite 164. CLI tool: HTML link converter (stdin to stdout) |
3.10data wranglingexception handlinghtmlstdinstring formattingstring manipulationsys |
Bite 165. Parse an /etc/passwd file output |
3.10splitstring manipulationtuple unpacking |
Bite 168. Ninja Rankings |
3.10bisectclassesdataclassesdunder methodsheapqtuples |
Bite 166. Complete a tox ini file parser class |
3.10classesconfigparserpropertiesstring matchingstring parsingtox |
Bite 167. Complete a User class: properties and representation dunder methods |
3.10__repr____str__classesdunder methodsf-stringspropertiesstring manipulation |
Bite 169. Simple length converter |
3.10exception handlingnumbersrounding |
Bite 174. String manipulation and metrics |
3.10Counterdataclasseslist comprehensionspropertiesstring formattingstring manipulationtranslate |
Bite 170. Analyze McDonald's food data |
3.10data analysispandas |
Bite 171. Make a terminal spinner animation |
3.10command lineitertoolsstdoutsystime |
Bite 172. Having fun with Python Partials |
3.10functoolspartialrounding |
Bite 173. Set up future notifications |
3.10datetimef-stringsfindalltimedelta |
Bite 175. Find missing dates |
3.10datetimedateutilpandas |
Bite 176. Create a variable length chessboard |
3.10modulorangestdout |
Bite 177. Use Pandas to find most common genres in a movie excel sheet |
3.10data cleaningexcelgroupbymovie datapandas |
Bite 178. Parse PyBites blog git commit log |
3.10Counterdata analysisdatetimedateutilstring parsing |
Bite 179. Strip comments from Python code |
3.10commentsregular expressionsstring parsing |
Bite 180. Group names by country |
3.10collectionsdefaultdictgroupby |
Bite 181. Keep a list sorted upon insert |
3.10__str__bisectclassesdata structures |
Bite 182. Parse a bunch of quotes from HTML |
3.10dictregular expressionsstring manipulationstring parsing |
Bite 183. Analyze sales data with pandas |
3.10data analysisgroupbypandas |
Bite 184. Analyze some Bite stats data |
3.10Countercsvdata analysisset |
Bite 185. Create a simple spelling suggester |
3.10SequenceMatcherdifflibstring matching |
Bite 186. Calculate number of books to have read at date ... |
3.10datetimedateutilexception handling |
Bite 187. Actor/actress age at movie release |
3.10dataclassesdateutilf-strings |
Bite 188. Get statistics from PyBites test code |
3.10data analysisfile processingstatistics |
Bite 189. Filter a list of names |
3.10breakcontinuegeneratorslooping |
Bite 192. Some logging practice |
3.10callablelogging |
Bite 190. Parse income distribution from Latin America XML |
3.10data analysisdefaultdictxml |
Bite 191. Starwars character with highest BMI |
3.10maxoperatorstring manipulationtuple unpacking |
Bite 193. Most upvoted StackOverflow Python questions |
3.10beautifulsouprequestssortingstring matchingweb scraping |
Bite 194. Add caching to a Fibonacci function |
3.10cachefibonaccifunctoolsperformance |
Bite 195. Analyze NBA Data with sqlite3 |
3.10SQLdata analysisdatabasessqlite3 |
Bite 196. Create a JS-like dict object |
3.10classesdictinheritancejavascript |
Bite 197. What date is Mother's Day celebrated? |
3.10datetimedateutil |
Bite 198. Calculate my Mac's longest uptime |
3.10data wranglingdatetimedateutilstring parsing |
Bite 199. Multiple inheritance (__mro__) |
3.10__mro__classesinheritancemultiple inheritance |
Bite 200. 🥳 Minecraft Enchantable Items |
3.10beautifulsoupweb scraping |
Bite 201. Call a Cisco Nexus 9k device |
3.10networkingrequests |
Bite 202. Analyze some Bite stats data - part II |
3.10csvdata analysissorting |
Bite 203. Type hinting practice |
3.10classesdataclassestype hinting |
Bite 204. Pomodoro with asyncio |
3.10asynciopomodoro |
Bite 205. Female speakers @ Pycon US |
3.10beautifulsoupcountingdata wranglinggender_guesser |
Bite 206. Calculate and evenly split the bill |
3.10Decimalnumbersrounding |
Bite 207. Cached property decorator |
3.10cachingclassesdecoratorsproperties |
Bite 208. Find the number pairs summing up N |
3.10itertoolsloopingnumbers |
Bite 209. Write a Sphinx docstring |
3.10data typesdocstringsphinx |
Bite 210. Add Type Annotations |
3.10annotationstype hintingtyping |
Bite 211. Write a retry decorator |
3.10decoratorsexception handling |
Bite 212. Suppressing exceptions |
3.10context managersexception handling |
Bite 213. Code a translation fixer |
3.10regular expressions |
Bite 214. A countdown generator |
3.10generators |
Bite 215. Validate a license key |
3.10boolregular expressions |
Bite 216. Parse an email header |
3.10regular expressions |
Bite 217. Capture stdout |
3.10StringIOcontext managers |
Bite 218. Create a sandwich decorator |
3.10decorators |
Bite 219. Bite notification planner |
3.10datetimegenerators |
Bite 220. Analysing @pythonbytes RSS feed |
3.10Counterclassesfeedparsermaxminnamedtupleregular expressionsstring matchingtype hinting |
Bite 221. Parse best selling lists using the NY Times API |
3.10APIsjsonmockrequests |
Bite 222. Split an iterable in groups of size n |
3.10generatorsiteratorsitertoolslooping |
Bite 223. Unix file permissions |
3.10dictlist comprehensionsstring manipulation |
Bite 224. Get sentences from a text |
3.10data wranglingregular expressionsstring manipulation |
Bite 225. Swap case PyBites characters |
3.10loopingstring manipulationstring parsing |
Bite 226. Get top titles from |
3.10beautifulsoupnamedtuplenewsrequestssortingstring parsingweb scraping |
Bite 227. Convert Warcraft json data to csv |
3.10csvexception handlingjson |
Bite 228. Create a Gravatar URL |
3.10gravatarhashlibstring formatting |
Bite 229. Scrape best programming books |
3.10beautifulsoupbooksclassesdata cleaningdata wranglingsortingweb scraping |
Bite 230. Thumbs up for operator overloading |
3.10classesdunder methodsemojisexception handlingoperator overloading |
Bite 231. Where are the emojis? |
3.10emojislist comprehensionslistloopingregular expressions |
Bite 232. Analyze gold prices |
3.10comparisondata analysisloopingpandassortingstring parsing |
Bite 233. Make a zipfile of the latest log files |
3.10datetimeos modulepathlibzipfile |
Bite 234. Capitalize sentences |
3.10regular expressionsstring manipulationstring matchingstring parsing |
Bite 235. Which Bite has the fastest tests? |
3.10sortingstring parsingtype casting |
Bite 236. User experience matters! Suggest matching files |
3.10difflibfilespathlib |
Bite 237. Get the dates Ninja belts were earned |
3.10datetimejsonloopingpandassorting |
Bite 238. Write tests for Fibonacci |
3.7fibonaccifreebiepytest |
Bite 239. Test FizzBuzz |
3.7fizzbuzzpytest |
Bite 240. Write tests for an Account class |
3.7classespytest |
Bite 241. Write tests for list_to_decimal |
3.7exception handlingfreebiepytest |
Bite 242. Zodiacal data parsing |
3.7datetimefixturespytest |
Bite 243. Test code that parses JSON and IP ranges |
3.7dataclassesipaddressjsonpytest |
Bite 244. Make mutpy's output more digestible |
3.10data wranglingloopingmutpystring matchingstring parsing |
Bite 245. Xmas Tree 2.0 |
3.10rangestring formatting |
Bite 246. Test print / standard output |
3.7capfdcapsyslist comprehensionspyteststdout |
Bite 247. Mocking a standard library function |
3.7mock.patchpytestrandom |
Bite 248. Test a number guessing game |
3.7classesexception handlinggamesmock.patchpytest |
Bite 249. Test a movie DB class |
3.7SQLclassesfixturesmovie datapytestsqlite3 |
Bite 250. PyBites URL Shortener |
3.10decodedictencodestring manipulationstring moduletype hinting |
Bite 251. Introducing Pandas Series |
3.10pandasseriesstring module |
Bite 252. Let's play with Pandas Series |
3.10numpypandasseriesslicingtype hinting |
Bite 253. More Pandas Series Practice |
3.10mathpandasseriesstatistics |
Bite 254. Global vs local variables |
3.10globalsum |
Bite 255. Codon Usage |
3.10bioinformaticscollectionstextwrap |
Bite 256. Scrape PyCon events |
3.10beautifulsoupdata analysisjsonnamedtuplepyconrequestsweb scraping |
Bite 257. Extract users dict from a multiline string |
3.10dictstring parsing |
Bite 258. What the flux? |
3.10financemathpandas |
Bite 259. Reverse complement |
3.10bioinformaticsstring manipulationtranslate |
Bite 260. Let's play with Pandas DataFrames |
3.10dataframespandas |
Bite 261. Visit all PyCons in Europe |
3.10data analysisdataclassesitertoolsmath |
Bite 262. GC content |
3.10bioinformaticscollections |
Bite 263. Count the number of islands in a grid |
3.10algorithmsloopingstring |
Bite 264. Clamy Fernet |
3.8cryptographydataclassesencodeencryptionfernettyping |
Bite 265. Optimal fund raising |
3.10algorithmsloopingmath |
Bite 266. Composition, Inheritance, Abstract Base Class, what? |
3.10ABCsabstractmethodbeautifulsoupcompositiondataclassesinheritancenamedtuplestring formattingtypingurllibweb scraping |
Bite 267. Measure the size of an island |
3.10algorithmsloopingmath |
Bite 269. Taxable Income Calculator |
3.10classesdataclassesfinancenamedtuplepropertiestyping |
Bite 268. Number Transformers |
3.10algorithmsnumbers |
Bite 270. Most frequent digit in number |
3.10Countercountingnumbers |
Bite 271. Get all class names from a module |
3.10inspectlist comprehensions |
Bite 272. Find common words |
3.10algorithmsset operationsstring matching |
Bite 273. Shortest path (Graph Bite) |
3.10algorithmscomputer sciencegraph |
Bite 274. Number conversion problem |
3.10algorithmsnumbersrecursion |
Bite 275. Get the most common email domains |
3.10Counterrequestssetstring parsingweb scraping |
Bite 276. Get Father's days by date and country |
3.10dateutilstring manipulationstring parsing |
Bite 277. Number of coin changes |
3.10algorithmsdynamic programming |
Bite 278. Major and minor numbers |
3.10collectionsmaxminnumbers |
Bite 279. Armstrong numbers |
3.10algorithmsnumbers |
Bite 280. Regular Expression Lookahead/Lookbehind |
3.10lookaheadlookbehindregular expressions |
Bite 281. Generating sales reports from Github data |
3.8data analysispandas |
Bite 282. Evaluate a Bridge hand |
3.10classesenumexception handlingloopingpropertiessorting |
Bite 283. Like there's no tomorrow? |
3.10datetime |
Bite 284. Pascal triangle |
3.10Pascalalgorithms |
Bite 285. Nested List Extraction |
3.10data structuresstring parsing |
Bite 286. Decompress |
3.10recursionstring manipulation |
Bite 287. Sum indices |
3.10loopingsum |
Bite 288. Smallest number |
3.10numbers |
Bite 289. Round to next number |
3.10math |
Bite 290. Class Rosters Data Conversion |
3.10csvstring parsingtuple unpacking |
Bite 291. Find the fastest speech |
3.10datetimesortingstring manipulation |
Bite 292. Scoring matrices |
3.10bioinformaticsenumerateloopingnumberszip |
Bite 293. N digit numbers |
3.10numbers |
Bite 294. Bowling score |
3.10gamesloopingnumbers |
Bite 295. Join lists |
3.10iterationjoininglist |
Bite 296. Jagged list |
3.10iterationitertoolslist |
Bite 297. Rename keys |
3.10data cleaningdictiteration |
Bite 298. Fasta to 2-Line Fasta |
3.8bioinformaticsbiopython |
Bite 299. Base converter |
3.10baseexception handling |
Bite 300. 🥳 PTO Calculator |
3.10calendardatetimeexception handlingloopingnumbersstring formatting |
Bite 301. Exchange rates |
3.10datetimedictsorting |
Bite 302. Get and write all code from a JSON file |
3.10file processingfilecmpjsonstring manipulation |
Bite 303. Unique genes |
3.8bioinformaticsbiopython |
Bite 304. Most identical letters in a word |
3.10Countercasefoldmaxstring matching |
Bite 305. Split once, delimit many |
3.10loopingsplitstring parsing |
Bite 306. Translate coding sequences to proteins |
3.8bioinformaticsbiopython |
Bite 307. SQLite3 introduction |
3.10SQLdatabasessqlite3 |
Bite 308. Calculate the median from a dictionary |
3.10mediansortingsum |
Bite 309. A simple document class |
3.10annotationsclassesmethod chainingpropertiesstring |
Bite 310. Create file pairs |
3.10bioinformaticsfilesregular expressions |
Bite 311. Cleaning text with pandas |
3.8TF-IDFdata cleaningpandas |
Bite 312. Scoring objects |
3.10builtinsimportlibkeywordtyping |
Bite 313. Alternative constructors |
3.10classesclassmethod |
Bite 314. Print names to columns |
3.10f-stringsmoduloprint |
Bite 315. More logging practice |
3.10exception handlinglogging |
Bite 316. To rent or to stream movies? |
3.10collectionsdatetimedicttyping |
Bite 317. Pickling objects |
3.10data wranglingpickleserialization |
Bite 318. Decode base64 encoded data |
3.10base64decodeencode |
Bite 319. Identity and equality |
3.10equalityinteger cachingstaticmethod |
Bite 320. sortable dataclasses and enums |
3.10dataclassesdunder methodsenumsorting |
Bite 321. Magic bytes |
3.10bytescsvexception handlingfile processingimagesstring parsing |
Bite 346. Getting started with the IRIS data set |
3.8data wranglingmachine learningnumpypandasscikit-learn |
Bite 322. Reading progress |
3.10datetimenumbers |
Bite 323. Iterables intersection |
3.10functoolsset operations |
Bite 324. Pretty string |
3.10pprint |
Bite 325. Floating point arithmetic |
3.10arithmeticfloatsnumbersrounding |
Bite 326. Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Printer |
3.10AST |
Bite 327. AST visitor |
3.10AST |
Bite 328. Longest coding streak |
3.10fromordinalitertoolstimezonestoordinal |
Bite 329. Convert dict keys to snake case |
3.10algorithmsrecursionstring manipulation |
Bite 330. Simple Math Equation Solver |
3.10exception handlingitertoolslist operationsmathoperator |
Bite 331. Convolution in Neural Networks |
3.10deep learningnumpy |
Bite 332. Searching for an apartment |
3.10algorithms |
Bite 333. Metropolis–Hastings Algorithm |
3.10Markov chain Monte Carloalgorithmsnumpystatistics |
Bite 334. Simple TCP client |
3.10TCP/IPclienthashlibmultiprocessingnetworkingsecretssocket |
Bite 335. Async HTTP client |
3.10aiohttpasyncioclientnetworking |
Bite 336. FastAPI Hello World |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 337. A little detour: Pydantic |
3.10FastAPIPydanticfreebie |
Bite 338. Create food objects |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 339. Retrieve food objects |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 340. Update and delete food objects |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 341. Pydantic part II |
3.10FastAPIPydanticfreebie |
Bite 342. Food logging CRUD |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 343. FastAPI Exception handling |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 344. Return an HTML response |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 345. FastAPI Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) |
3.10FastAPIfreebie |
Bite 347. Which words can you type with one hand? |
3.10comparisonenumset |
Bite 348. Citation indexes |
3.10builtinsexception handlingtyping |
Bite 349. Writing better Spanish |
3.10asciidictunicodeunicodedata |
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions |
3.10crontabdataclassesdatetimeexception handlingiteration |
Bite 351. Get spelling suggestions |
3.10TextBlobcomparisonnamedtupletuple unpackingtyping |
Bite 352. Hash SQL statements |
3.10SQLhashlib |
Bite 353. Transform a Script Into a Command Line Interface (CLI) |
3.10Typercommand line |
Bite 354. When to Use Command Line Option (CLI) Options and When CLI Arguments? |
3.10Typercommand line |
Bite 355. Create Your First Typer Command Line Interface (CLI) Application |
3.10Typercommand line |
Bite 356. Using Typer Callbacks to Create Command Line Interface (CLI) Parameters |
3.10Typercommand line |
Bite 357. Implement your First Subcommands and Command Groups |
3.10Typercommand line |
Bite 358. Implementation of a Simple Typer Test |
3.7Typercommand linepytest |
Bite 359. Implementation of a More Sophisticated Typer Tests |
3.7Typercommand line |
Bite 360. Add a progress bar to Your Command Line Interface (CLI) |
3.10Typercommand linerich |
Bite 361. Rich Excursion - Create Beautiful Tables |
3.10Typercommand linerich |
Bite 362. Add a Password Prompt to Your Command Line Interface (CLI) |
3.10Typercommand line |
Bite 363. Movie Theater (Refactoring) |
3.10clean coderefactoring |
Bite 364. Create Wikipedia Lorem Ipsum text |
3.10beautifulsouplist comprehensionsrandomregular expressionsrequests |
Bite 365. Rolling two dice for an advantage |
3.10itertoolsmathmean |
Bite 366. Goal Tracker |
3.10datedatetimetuple unpacking |
Bite 367. Add Pi Day to the calendar |
3.10calendartuple unpacking |
Bite 368. Hello Types |
3.10annotationstype hinting |
Bite 369. Advanced Type Hints |
3.10annotationstype hinting |
Bite 370. Getting started with vectors |
3.10annotationstype hinting |
Bite 371. Python3.9 - Dictionary Merge |
Python3.9dictunion |
Bite 372. Validate Pangram |
algorithmshashingstringstrings |
Bite 373. Reverse only Letters |
queuesstacksstrings |
Bite 374. Group Anagrams |
arraydefaultdictstrings |
Bite 375. Find All Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
backtrackingitertoolsstrings |
Bite 376. Art Thief |
graphmemoizationrecursion |
Bite 377. Coins on the Table |
math |
Bite 378. Organizational Chart |
binary treedepth-first searchgraph traversal |
Bite 379. Hedge Maze |
breadth-firstgraph traversalmaze |