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Bite Level Description & Tags
Intro Bite 04. Split and join Intro level Split up the message on newline (\n) using the split …
3.10 freebie join split
Intro Bite 05. Slice and dice Intro level Take the block of text provided and strip off the …
3.10 freebie replace slicing split string module strip
Bite 155. Split a string by spaces or quoted text Intermediate level Another text manipulation Bite. Code split_words_and_quoted_text that takes a text …
3.10 split string manipulation
Bite 165. Parse an /etc/passwd file output Beginner level The /etc/passwd file is a text-based database of information about …
3.10 split string manipulation tuple unpacking
Bite 305. Split once, delimit many Intermediate level Write a function that accepts a string and splits the …
3.10 looping split string parsing
Newbie Bite 41. String Manipulations In this Bite, you'll learn more about manipulating strings in …
3.10 lists lowercase newbie slicing split string manipulation strings strip
Bite 90. What South Park characters talk most? Intermediate level Did we already tell you we love the collections module? …
3.10 Counter csv data analysis defaultdict requests
Bite 206. Calculate and evenly split the bill Intermediate level Three old friends Bob, Mary, and Alice meet at PyCon …
3.10 Decimal numbers rounding
Bite 222. split an iterable in groups of size n Intermediate level In this Bite you will complete the group function that …
3.10 generators iterators itertools looping
Bite 224. Get sentences from a text Advanced level Here is another fun regex exercise for you: it's easy …
3.10 data wrangling regular expressions string manipulation
Bite 364. Create Wikipedia Lorem Ipsum text Intermediate level Lorem Ipsum is text used to demonstrate layout in documents …
3.10 beautifulsoup list comprehensions random regular expressions requests