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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 87. Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals Intermediate level Complete romanize that takes a decimal number and converts it …
3.10 numbers OrderedDict
Bite 59. Create a multiplication table class of variable length Intermediate level Danny does not like rote learning (nor do we!). He …
3.10 classes dunder methods exception handling numbers
Bite 39. Calculate the total duration of a course Intermediate level In this Bite you read in a text file with …
3.10 datetime findall numbers timedelta
Bite 98. Code your way out of a grid Advanced level Given a 2D grid of equal length x and y, …
3.10 looping namedtuple numbers tuple unpacking
Bite 127. Return the right ordinal suffix for a number Intermediate level In this Bite you complete a function that takes an …
3.10 dict modulo numbers string manipulation
Bite 142. Exception Handling: Calculate the Winning Player Intermediate level Complete the two functions below: calculate_score takes a list of …
3.10 exception handling namedtuple numbers
Bite 159. Create a simple calculator Intermediate level In this Bite you will create a simple calculator. It …
3.10 exception handling numbers operator
Bite 163. Which packages were upgraded? Intermediate level In this Bite you compare a list of packages (aka …
3.10 comparison dict numbers string manipulation
Bite 169. Simple length converter Beginner level Your task is to complete the convert() function. It's purpose …
3.10 exception handling numbers rounding
Bite 206. Calculate and evenly split the bill Intermediate level Three old friends Bob, Mary, and Alice meet at PyCon …
3.10 Decimal numbers rounding
Bite 208. Find the number pairs summing up N Beginner level In this Bite you complete find_number_pairs which receives a list …
3.10 itertools looping numbers
Bite 268. Number Transformers Advanced level Inspired by the movie Transformer, John decides to design a …
3.10 algorithms numbers
Bite 270. Most frequent digit in number Beginner level Given an integer number, find the most frequent digit in …
3.10 Counter counting numbers
Bite 274. Number conversion problem Intermediate level Recursion in computer science is a method of solving a …
3.10 algorithms numbers recursion
Bite 278. Major and minor numbers Beginner level You are given a list of integers. Write code to …
3.10 collections max min numbers
Bite 279. Armstrong numbers Beginner level In number theory there are many interesting numbers - eg. …
3.10 algorithms numbers
Bite 288. Smallest number Beginner level Write a function that accepts a list of digits and …
3.10 numbers
Bite 292. Scoring matrices Advanced level Proteins fulfill important functions in all organisms and consist of …
3.10 bioinformatics enumerate looping numbers zip
Bite 293. N digit numbers Beginner level Write a function that accepts a list of numbers and converts …
3.10 numbers
Bite 294. Bowling score Advanced level If you've never tried bowling, it's a fun game to …
3.10 games looping numbers
Bite 300. πŸ₯³ PTO Calculator Advanced level We've all been affected by COVID-19 in one way or …
3.10 calendar datetime exception handling looping numbers string formatting
Bite 322. Reading progress Beginner level Happy New Year! How many books do you aim to …
3.10 datetime numbers
Bite 325. Floating point arithmetic Intermediate level This Bite introduces you to a few issues associated with …
3.10 arithmetic floats numbers rounding
Newbie Bite 42. List Comprehension In this Bite, you will learn how to write list …
3.10 integer isdigit list comprehensions newbie numbers
Bite 1. Sum n numbers Beginner level Write a Python function that calculates the sum of a …
3.10 default args freebie None range sum
Bite 57. Create a simple calculator that receives command line arguments Intermediate level In this Bite you write a simple calculator that can …
3.10 argparse functools reduce
Bite 71. Keep state in a class + make its instance callable Intermediate level In this Bite you write a small class to keep …
3.10 classes dunder methods
Bite 94. Parse PyCon talk data from YouTube Advanced level PyCon2018 was awesome! But you clearly had to choose the …
3.10 list comprehensions max namedtuple
Bite 96. Build Unix' wc program in Python Beginner level In this Bite you will convert Unix' wc command into …
3.10 file processing tempfile Unix
Intro Bite 07. Filter numbers with a list comprehension Intro level Complete the function below that receives a list of numbers …
3.10 freebie list comprehensions modulo
Bite 117. Round a number even (a.k.a. banker's rounding) Beginner level Bankers Rounding is an algorithm for rounding quantities to integers, …
3.10 Decimal rounding
Bite 120. Write a numbers validation decorator Intermediate level Let's get some more practice with decorators ... in this …
3.10 decorators
Bite 121. Determine the strength of a password Advanced level In this Bite you evaluate the strength of a password. …
3.10 re string matching
Bite 134. Two Sums Advanced level Given a random list of numbers, your task is to …
3.10 index looping sorting sum
Bite 152. Manipulate string decorator Advanced level Write a decorator called strip_range that replaces characters with dots. …
3.10 decorators kwargs list string manipulation
Bite 153. Round a sequence of numbers Beginner level It's time to get mathematical! In this Bite we ask …
3.10 list comprehensions math rounding
Bite 156. Make an index of story characters Intermediate level You know the index at the end of a book …
3.10 collections defaultdict enumerate sorting string matching
Bite 211. Write a retry decorator Advanced level Write a retry decorator that retries executing the function it …
3.10 decorators exception handling
Bite 230. Thumbs up for operator overloading Intermediate level In this Bite we learn a bit of operator overloading. …
3.10 classes dunder methods emojis exception handling operator overloading
Bite 250. PyBites URL Shortener Advanced level URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web …
3.10 decode dict encode string manipulation string module type hinting
Bite 251. Introducing Pandas Series Beginner level Let's get started with Pandas! In case you are not …
3.10 pandas series string module
Bite 253. More Pandas Series Practice Intermediate level In Bite 251 and Bite 252 we looked at creating …
3.10 math pandas series statistics
Bite 254. Global vs local variables Beginner level This Bite is to illustrate scoping. You will sum numbers …
3.10 global sum
Bite 284. Pascal triangle Intermediate level A Pascal triangle is a triangular array of integers constructed …
3.10 algorithms Pascal
Bite 308. Calculate the median from a dictionary Intermediate level You are in charge of a program that continuously collects …
3.10 median sorting sum
Bite 310. Create file pairs Advanced level In this bite you will write a function that pairs …
3.10 bioinformatics files regular expressions
Bite 318. Decode base64 encoded data Beginner level In this Bite you are going to decode some Base64 …
3.10 base64 decode encode
Bite 321. Magic bytes Advanced level Magic numbers are bytes that can be used to uniquely …
3.10 bytes csv exception handling file processing images string parsing
Bite 329. Convert dict keys to snake case Advanced level In this Bite we will take a (nested) dict and …
3.10 algorithms recursion string manipulation
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions Advanced level Let your mind wander and tell us what you think …
3.10 crontab dataclasses datetime exception handling iteration
Bite 355. Create Your First Typer Command Line Interface (CLI) Application Beginner level In the previous Bites, you have successfully transformed an existing …
3.10 command line Typer
Bite 375. Find All Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Intermediate level The typical phone keypad (pictured) features numbers (0 - 9), …
backtracking itertools strings