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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 209. Write a Sphinx docstring Beginner level Your team uses Sphinx and wants you to comply with …
3.10 data types docstring sphinx
Intro Bite 01. F-strings and a simple if/else Intro level Welcome to our Intro Bites, it's time to gauge where …
3.10 freebie f-strings if/else
Bite 146. Rhombus generator Intermediate level In this Bite you make a generator of rhombus shapes. …
3.10 format f-strings string formatting
Bite 167. Complete a User class: properties and representation dunder methods Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with another class, User …
3.10 classes dunder methods f-strings properties __repr__ __str__ string manipulation
Bite 173. Set up future notifications Intermediate level Let's do another datetime processing Bite. Complete add_todo below that …
3.10 datetime findall f-strings timedelta
Bite 187. Actor/actress age at movie release Intermediate level Ever wondered how old an actor/actress was in a particular …
3.10 dataclasses dateutil f-strings
Bite 314. Print names to columns Beginner level In this Bite you will use the modulo operation. You …
3.10 f-strings modulo print
Bite 263. Count the number of islands in a grid Intermediate level You are tasked with counting the amount of islands in …
3.10 algorithms looping string
Bite 309. A simple document class Intermediate level When we want to transform our data often, method chaining …
3.10 annotations classes method chaining properties string
Bite 372. Validate Pangram Beginner level A pangram, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a …
algorithms hashing string strings
Bite 15. Enumerate 2 sequences Beginner level Iterate over the given names and countries lists, printing them …
3.10 enumerate string formatting
Bite 86. Create a RGB-to-Hex converter Intermediate level Designer Mary wants to convert her CSS from statements like …
3.10 string formatting
Bite 119. Xmas tree generator Intermediate level In this Bite you complete generate_xmas_tree that takes a rows …
3.10 default args join range string formatting
Bite 162. Vertically align output of counters Intermediate level In this Bite you are tasked with "physically" aligning the …
3.10 string formatting
Bite 164. CLI tool: HTML link converter (stdin to stdout) Advanced level In this Bite you are going to help your team …
3.10 data wrangling exception handling html stdin string formatting string manipulation sys
Bite 174. String manipulation and metrics Advanced level This bite will get you to play around with creating …
3.10 Counter dataclasses list comprehensions properties string formatting string manipulation translate
Bite 228. Create a Gravatar URL Intermediate level In this Bite you will generate a Gravatar URL, e.g. …
3.10 gravatar hashlib string formatting
Bite 245. Xmas Tree 2.0 Intermediate level In this Bite you have to complete generate_improved_xmas_tree that takes …
3.10 range string formatting
Bite 266. Composition, Inheritance, Abstract Base Class, what? Advanced level It’s not as bad as that sounds, really. If you …
3.10 ABCs abstractmethod beautifulsoup composition dataclasses inheritance namedtuple string formatting typing urllib web scraping
Bite 300. 🥳 PTO Calculator Advanced level We've all been affected by COVID-19 in one way or …
3.10 calendar datetime exception handling looping numbers string formatting
Newbie Bite 49. Formatting Intro In this Bite, you'll learn about string interpolation using the …
3.10 .format() newbie string interpolation strings
Bite 217. Capture stdout Intermediate level Sometimes you need to capture stdout in your script. Python …
3.10 context managers StringIO
Bite 53. Convert text into multiple columns Advanced level You run a news site and you got feedback that …
3.10 string manipulation
Bite 68. Remove punctuation characters from a string Beginner level Complete remove_punctuation which receives an input string and strips out …
3.10 string manipulation string module
Bite 224. Get sentences from a text Advanced level Here is another fun regex exercise for you: it's easy …
3.10 data wrangling regular expressions string manipulation
Bite 182. Parse a bunch of quotes from HTML Intermediate level Let's get some inspiration. Below you find the simplified HTML …
3.10 dict regular expressions string manipulation string parsing
Bite 225. Swap case PyBites characters Beginner level In this Bite you will swap case all pybites characters …
3.10 looping string manipulation string parsing
Bite 112. Social Media Username Validator Advanced level In this Bite you parse social_platforms below into a dict …
3.10 namedtuple range re regular expressions string manipulation string matching typing
Bite 127. Return the right ordinal suffix for a number Intermediate level In this Bite you complete a function that takes an …
3.10 dict modulo numbers string manipulation
Bite 131. Screen scraper Advanced level This is the output from using screenFetch on my junky …
3.10 dict index regular expressions slicing string manipulation
Bite 259. Reverse complement Intermediate level In the majority of organisms, the genetic code is encoded …
3.10 bioinformatics string manipulation translate
Bite 139. Calculate a coding streak in days Advanced level In this Bite you are going to calculate the amount …
3.10 datetime string manipulation timedelta
Bite 234. Capitalize sentences Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to capitalize sentences in …
3.10 regular expressions string manipulation string matching string parsing
Bite 165. Parse an /etc/passwd file output Beginner level The /etc/passwd file is a text-based database of information about …
3.10 split string manipulation tuple unpacking
Bite 155. Split a string by spaces or quoted text Intermediate level Another text manipulation Bite. Code split_words_and_quoted_text that takes a text …
3.10 split string manipulation
Bite 276. Get Father's days by date and country Advanced level Happy belated Father's day (unless you are in Australia or …
3.10 dateutil string manipulation string parsing
Bite 191. Starwars character with highest BMI Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse a multiline string of …
3.10 max operator string manipulation tuple unpacking
Bite 250. PyBites URL Shortener Advanced level URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web …
3.10 decode dict encode string manipulation string module type hinting
Bite 291. Find the fastest speech Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse an SRT (SubRip Subtitle …
3.10 datetime sorting string manipulation
Bite 286. Decompress Intermediate level Write a function, called decompress(), that accepts a string and …
3.10 recursion string manipulation
Bite 302. Get and write all code from a JSON file Intermediate level You are given a sample JSON file containing, among other …
3.10 filecmp file processing json string manipulation
Bite 152. Manipulate string decorator Advanced level Write a decorator called strip_range that replaces characters with dots. …
3.10 decorators kwargs list string manipulation
Bite 129. Analyze Stock Data Intermediate level In this Bite we will answer some questions about stocks, …
3.10 counting data analysis json requests sorting string manipulation
Bite 329. Convert dict keys to snake case Advanced level In this Bite we will take a (nested) dict and …
3.10 algorithms recursion string manipulation
Bite 223. Unix file permissions Intermediate level Each file and directory in Unix has its permissions broken …
3.10 dict list comprehensions string manipulation
Newbie Bite 08. String Manipulation There are times you'll need to manipulate the strings you've …
3.10 newbie string manipulation
Intro Bite 06. Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements Intro level In this Bite we'd like you to loop over the …
3.10 counting freebie regular expressions replace string manipulation Zen of Python
Intro Bite 09. Workout dictionary lookups Intro level In this Bite you learn how to lookup values from …
3.10 dict exception handling format freebie string manipulation ternary
Bite 54. Nicer formatting of a poem or text Beginner level In this Bite you complete print_hanging_indents to print a poem …
3.10 string manipulation textwrap
Bite 133. Convert an Amazon URL into an affiliation link Beginner level Can you help PyBites automate their Amazon affiliation link creation? …
3.10 regular expressions string manipulation
Bite 149. Sorting words with constraint Beginner level Here is a list of words Jacob is trying to …
3.10 lambda sorting string manipulation
Bite 150. Turn messy CSV into JSON Intermediate level At the 1 year mark of our platform here is …
3.10 csv json pandas re string manipulation
Bite 163. Which packages were upgraded? Intermediate level In this Bite you compare a list of packages (aka …
3.10 comparison dict numbers string manipulation
Newbie Bite 48. String Module In this exercise, you'll practice writing another list comprehension (a …
3.10 list comprehensions newbie string manipulation string module
Newbie Bite 41. String Manipulations In this Bite, you'll learn more about manipulating strings in …
3.10 lists lowercase newbie slicing split string manipulation strings strip
Bite 91. Matching multiple strings Beginner level Catching up after #PyCon2018 ... in this Bite you do …
3.10 all any string matching
Bite 115. Count leading spaces Beginner level A small but interesting Bite: given a string with leading …
3.10 counting string matching
Bite 121. Determine the strength of a password Advanced level In this Bite you evaluate the strength of a password. …
3.10 re string matching
Bite 122. Check if two words are anagrams Intermediate level An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging …
3.10 anagram string matching
Bite 132. Find the word with the most vowels Intermediate level Finish the get_word_max_vowels function below that takes a text string …
3.10 counting lambda list comprehensions string matching
Bite 156. Make an index of story characters Intermediate level You know the index at the end of a book …
3.10 collections defaultdict enumerate sorting string matching
Bite 157. Filter out accented characters Intermediate level Another unicode Bite. Given some non-English text with accents (á, …
3.10 string matching unicode
Bite 166. Complete a tox ini file parser class Intermediate level The INI file format is an informal standard for configuration …
3.10 classes configparser properties string matching string parsing tox
Bite 185. Create a simple spelling suggester Intermediate level In this Bite you will write a simple spelling corrector. …
3.10 difflib SequenceMatcher string matching
Bite 193. Most upvoted StackOverflow Python questions Intermediate level In this Bite you parse a copy of StackOverflow Python …
3.10 beautifulsoup requests sorting string matching web scraping
Bite 220. Analysing @pythonbytes RSS feed Advanced level Another feedparser exercise! In this Bite we're going to analyze …
3.10 classes Counter feedparser max min namedtuple regular expressions string matching type hinting
Bite 244. Make mutpy's output more digestible Intermediate level Another real world scenario. When we started using MutPy for …
3.10 data wrangling looping mutpy string matching string parsing
Bite 272. Find common words Intermediate level Given two sentences that each contains words in case insensitive …
3.10 algorithms set operations string matching
Bite 304. Most identical letters in a word Intermediate level In this Bite, you will write a function called max_letter_word() …
3.10 casefold Counter max string matching
Bite 61. Create a variable size Paw Patrol card deck with random actions Advanced level The Paw Patrol card deck consists of 32 cards ranging …
3.10 itertools namedtuple random string module
Bite 47. Write a new password field validator Intermediate level You know these Create a new password forms? They do …
3.10 re string module
Bite 44. License key generator Beginner level Write a function called gen_key that creates a license key …
3.10 list comprehensions secrets string module
Bite 29. Martin's IQ test Beginner level Martin is preparing to pass an IQ test. The most …
3.10 enumerate string module
Bite 99. Write an infinite sequence generator Intermediate level Write a generator that produces the sequence [1, 'A', 2, …
3.10 generators itertools string module zip
Intro Bite 05. Slice and dice Intro level Take the block of text provided and strip off the …
3.10 freebie replace slicing split string module strip
Bite 114. Implement a Color class with staticmethod Intermediate level As the new junior developer, you have been charged with …
3.10 hex __repr__ staticmethod __str__ string module
Bite 251. Introducing Pandas Series Beginner level Let's get started with Pandas! In case you are not …
3.10 pandas series string module
Bite 178. Parse PyBites blog git commit log Intermediate level In this Bite we want to figure out how active …
3.10 Counter data analysis datetime dateutil string parsing
Bite 179. Strip comments from Python code Advanced level In this Bite you will strip off all comments from …
3.10 comments regular expressions string parsing
Bite 198. Calculate my Mac's longest uptime Advanced level Given the following output, calculate the longest uptime / time …
3.10 data wrangling datetime dateutil string parsing
Bite 226. Get top titles from news.python.sc Intermediate level There is a new Python news aggregator in town! Check …
3.10 beautifulsoup namedtuple news requests sorting string parsing web scraping
Bite 232. Analyze gold prices Intermediate level In this Bite you will analyze how the price of …
3.10 comparison data analysis looping pandas sorting string parsing
Bite 235. Which Bite has the fastest tests? Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse a pytest output summary, …
3.10 sorting string parsing type casting
Bite 257. Extract users dict from a multiline string Beginner level A quick Bite to practice some string parsing extracting a …
3.10 dict string parsing
Bite 275. Get the most common email domains Intermediate level In this Bite you will process a list of emails …
3.10 Counter requests set string parsing web scraping
Bite 285. Nested List Extraction Intermediate level Sometimes dealing with data can be a real struggle. Sometimes …
3.10 data structures string parsing
Bite 290. Class Rosters Data Conversion Intermediate level You have been given a comma-delimited .csv file containing class …
3.10 csv string parsing tuple unpacking
Bite 305. Split once, delimit many Intermediate level Write a function that accepts a string and splits the …
3.10 looping split string parsing
Bite 321. Magic bytes Advanced level Magic numbers are bytes that can be used to uniquely …
3.10 bytes csv exception handling file processing images string parsing
Bite 373. Reverse only Letters Beginner level Given a string, reverse only the English letters (lowercase or …
queues stacks strings
Bite 374. Group Anagrams Intermediate level As defined by the OED, an anagram is a word, …
array defaultdict strings
Bite 375. Find All Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Intermediate level The typical phone keypad (pictured) features numbers (0 - 9), …
backtracking itertools strings
Newbie Bite 30. Special Chars In this Bite, you'll learn about special characters in Python …
3.10 newbie newline special characters strings tab
Newbie Bite 31. Word Count In this bite, we are going to explore two useful …
3.10 methods newbie strings
Bite 2. Regex Fun Advanced level Learn some Python regular expressions by completing the following three …
3.10 findall freebie re regular expressions
Bite 8. Rotate string characters Beginner level Write a function that rotates characters in a string in …
3.10 deque slicing
Bite 21. Query a nested data structure Beginner level Given the provided cars dictionary: Get all Jeeps Get the …
3.10 data structures dictionary comprehensions list comprehensions sorting
Bite 27. Parse omdb movie json data Intermediate level Working with APIs is very common these days and lucky …
3.10 APIs glob json movie data
Bite 28. Converting date strings to datetimes Intermediate level In this Bite you are provided with a list of …
3.10 Counter datetime findall
Bite 42. Number Guessing Game Class Advanced level In this Bite you implement a Game class to perform …
3.10 classes games random
Bite 75. Parse Unix cal to a weekday mapping Advanced level In the last bite we return the weekday from a …
3.10 re Unix zip
Bite 95. Subclass the dict built-in Intermediate level In this Bite you will subclass the dict built-in to …
3.10 classes inheritance
Bite 96. Build Unix' wc program in Python Beginner level In this Bite you will convert Unix' wc command into …
3.10 file processing tempfile Unix
Intro Bite 02. Infinite loop, input, continue and break Intro level In this Bite we'll get you to take user input …
3.10 break continue freebie input mock.patch while
Bite 128. Work with datetime's strptime and strftime Beginner level In this Bite you get some more practice with datetime's …
3.10 datetime strftime strptime
Bite 138. OOP fun at the Zoo Intermediate level Finish the Animal class below adding one or more class …
3.10 classes classmethod itertools __str__
Bite 141. Primitive date format inferrer Intermediate level Complete the get_dates method given the following: a listing of …
3.10 classmethod datetime enum exception handling
Bite 159. Create a simple calculator Intermediate level In this Bite you will create a simple calculator. It …
3.10 exception handling numbers operator
Bite 169. Simple length converter Beginner level Your task is to complete the convert() function. It's purpose …
3.10 exception handling numbers rounding
Bite 199. Multiple inheritance (__mro__) Intermediate level Implement the following class structure: print(Child.__mro__): (<class '__main__.Child'>, <class '__main__.Father'>, …
3.10 classes inheritance __mro__ multiple inheritance
Bite 202. Analyze some Bite stats data - part II Intermediate level In this Bite you will analyze complexity levels of our …
3.10 csv data analysis sorting
Bite 256. Scrape PyCon events Intermediate level In this Bite, we want you to scrape PyCon 2019 …
3.10 beautifulsoup data analysis json namedtuple pycon requests web scraping
Bite 271. Get all class names from a module Intermediate level In this Bite you will write a function to get …
3.10 inspect list comprehensions
Bite 294. Bowling score Advanced level If you've never tried bowling, it's a fun game to …
3.10 games looping numbers
Bite 301. Exchange rates Intermediate level In this Bite you have to provide the currency exchange …
3.10 datetime dict sorting
Bite 307. SQLite3 introduction Intermediate level In this Bite, you are going to get some practice …
3.10 databases SQL sqlite3
Bite 315. More logging practice Intermediate level In this Bite you will hone your logging skills by …
3.10 exception handling logging
Bite 324. Pretty string Beginner level Write a function that returns a neatly formatted string representation …
3.10 pprint
Bite 325. Floating point arithmetic Intermediate level This Bite introduces you to a few issues associated with …
3.10 arithmetic floats numbers rounding
Bite 326. Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Printer Intermediate level In this Bite we familiarise with Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). …
3.10 AST
Bite 352. Hash SQL statements Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to implement a simple …
3.10 hashlib SQL
Bite 366. Goal Tracker Intermediate level In this Bite, you build a function that tells you …
3.10 date datetime tuple unpacking
Bite 367. Add Pi Day to the calendar Intermediate level Python has a brilliant but often overlooked module called calendar. …
3.10 calendar tuple unpacking
Bite 379. Hedge Maze Advanced level Imagine you're trapped in a mysterious maze, much like the …
breadth-first graph traversal maze