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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 13. Convert dict to namedtuple/json Intermediate level Write a function to convert the given blog dict to …
3.10 dict json namedtuple
Bite 27. Parse omdb movie json data Intermediate level Working with APIs is very common these days and lucky …
3.10 APIs glob json movie data
Bite 111. Use the ipinfo API to lookup IP country Intermediate level In this Bite you will use the requests library to …
3.10 APIs json mock.patch requests
Bite 129. Analyze Stock Data Intermediate level In this Bite we will answer some questions about stocks, …
3.10 counting data analysis json requests sorting string manipulation
Bite 150. Turn messy CSV into JSON Intermediate level At the 1 year mark of our platform here is …
3.10 csv json pandas re string manipulation
Bite 221. Parse best selling lists using the NY Times API Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to parse NY Times …
3.10 APIs json mock requests
Bite 227. Convert Warcraft json data to csv Intermediate level In this Bite we are going to convert some Warcraft …
3.10 csv exception handling json
Bite 237. Get the dates Ninja belts were earned Advanced level Another real-world scenario: in this Bite you will parse a …
3.10 datetime json looping pandas sorting
Bite 243. Test code that parses JSON and IP ranges Intermediate level Another Test Bite, we ❀️them 😁- today you will write …
3.7 dataclasses ipaddress json pytest
Bite 256. Scrape PyCon events Intermediate level In this Bite, we want you to scrape PyCon 2019 …
3.10 beautifulsoup data analysis json namedtuple pycon requests web scraping
Bite 302. Get and write all code from a JSON file Intermediate level You are given a sample JSON file containing, among other …
3.10 filecmp file processing json string manipulation
Bite 130. Analyze some basic Car Data Beginner level In this exercise you will analyze some basic car data. …
3.10 Counter data analysis list comprehensions set
Bite 261. Visit all PyCons in Europe Intermediate level In Bite 256 you scraped data on 2019 PyCons. Now …
3.10 data analysis dataclasses itertools math
Bite 297. Rename keys Advanced level The Data Processing Department was writing a script to import …
3.10 data cleaning dict iteration
Bite 317. Pickling objects Beginner level In this Bite you will load (deserialize) and dump (serialize) …
3.10 data wrangling pickle serialization
Bite 328. Longest coding streak Advanced level What is your longest streak of completed Bites? In Bite …
3.10 fromordinal itertools timezones toordinal
Bite 345. FastAPI Authentication with JWT (json Web Tokens) Advanced level Up to this point anyone can modify food entries in …
3.10 FastAPI freebie