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Bite Level Description & Tags
Intro Bite 02. Infinite loop, input, continue and break Intro level In this Bite we'll get you to take user input …
3.10 break continue freebie input mock.patch while
Newbie Bite 07. User Input Quite often as you make scripts and applications you're going …
3.10 input newbie
Bite 136. Bloodtypes Beginner level Check red blood cell compatibility between donor and recipient. For …
3.10 enum exception handling multi type input
Bite 42. Number Guessing Game Class Advanced level In this Bite you implement a Game class to perform …
3.10 classes games random
Bite 61. Create a variable size Paw Patrol card deck with random actions Advanced level The Paw Patrol card deck consists of 32 cards ranging …
3.10 itertools namedtuple random string module
Bite 62. Data structures matter - speed up your Python code Intermediate level In this Bite we provide you with 5 functions which …
3.10 data structures performance
Bite 68. Remove punctuation characters from a string Beginner level Complete remove_punctuation which receives an input string and strips out …
3.10 string manipulation string module
Bite 76. The singledispatch countdown challenge Advanced level We are stoked and grateful to have Martin have you …
3.10 decorators functools singledispatch
Bite 78. Find programmers with common languages Intermediate level Similar as last Bite we do another comparison of sequences …
3.10 set set operations
Bite 120. Write a numbers validation decorator Intermediate level Let's get some more practice with decorators ... in this …
3.10 decorators
Bite 132. Find the word with the most vowels Intermediate level Finish the get_word_max_vowels function below that takes a text string …
3.10 counting lambda list comprehensions string matching
Bite 141. Primitive date format inferrer Intermediate level Complete the get_dates method given the following: a listing of …
3.10 classmethod datetime enum exception handling
Bite 144. Calculate the Number of Months Passed Intermediate level Some more fun working with dates! In this Bite you …
3.10 datetime dateutil exception handling
Bite 160. 15-way Rock Paper Scissors Advanced level In this Bite you are going to write a 15-way …
3.10 csv dict exception handling games
Bite 163. Which packages were upgraded? Intermediate level In this Bite you compare a list of packages (aka …
3.10 comparison dict numbers string manipulation
Bite 180. Group names by country Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with a list of …
3.10 collections defaultdict groupby
Bite 206. Calculate and evenly split the bill Intermediate level Three old friends Bob, Mary, and Alice meet at PyCon …
3.10 Decimal numbers rounding
Bite 219. Bite notification planner Intermediate level Another real world use case. When we added notifications to …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 280. Regular Expression Lookahead/Lookbehind Advanced level For this bite you are going to solve three different …
3.10 lookahead lookbehind regular expressions
Bite 284. Pascal triangle Intermediate level A Pascal triangle is a triangular array of integers constructed …
3.10 algorithms Pascal
Bite 288. Smallest number Beginner level Write a function that accepts a list of digits and …
3.10 numbers
Bite 290. Class Rosters Data Conversion Intermediate level You have been given a comma-delimited .csv file containing class …
3.10 csv string parsing tuple unpacking
Bite 297. Rename keys Advanced level The Data Processing Department was writing a script to import …
3.10 data cleaning dict iteration
Bite 306. Translate coding sequences to proteins Intermediate level Genes can be converted (translated) to proteins using a three base …
3.8 bioinformatics biopython
Bite 311. Cleaning text with pandas Intermediate level We recently published a blog post about how to approach …
3.8 data cleaning pandas TF-IDF
Bite 346. Getting started with the IRIS data set Intermediate level You are getting started with machine learning (ML)! Are you …
3.8 data wrangling machine learning numpy pandas scikit-learn
Bite 323. Iterables intersection Beginner level In this bite we are going to work on coding …
3.10 functools set operations
Bite 327. AST visitor Advanced level In Bite 312 we learned how to identify builtin functions, …
3.10 AST
Bite 331. Convolution in Neural Networks Advanced level Finally a Bite about deep learning! At least, about one …
3.10 deep learning numpy
Bite 332. Searching for an apartment Intermediate level Bill is looking for a new apartment with good view, …
3.10 algorithms
Bite 348. Citation indexes Intermediate level Academic research innovates by publishing papers, i.e., documents collecting ideas …
3.10 builtins exception handling typing
Bite 349. Writing better Spanish Intermediate level Bob is a lazy typer and often forgets to accentuate …
3.10 ascii dict unicode unicodedata
Bite 375. Find All Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Intermediate level The typical phone keypad (pictured) features numbers (0 - 9), …
backtracking itertools strings