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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 91. Matching multiple strings Beginner level Catching up after #PyCon2018 ... in this Bite you do …
3.10 all any string matching
Bite 50. Make a little PyBites search engine (feedparser) Advanced level Complete the program below to create a little search command …
3.10 any feedparser list comprehensions namedtuple search
Bite 20. Write a context manager Advanced level Write a context manager to roll back a transaction on …
3.10 context managers dunder methods operator overloading with statement
Bite 30. Movie data analysis Intermediate level In this Bite we are going to parse a csv …
3.10 data analysis defaultdict freebie mean movie data namedtuple sorting
Bite 46. You are a programmer! Code Fizz Buzz Beginner level Here is a beginner Bite to write Fizz Buzz: Fizz …
3.10 fizzbuzz
Bite 75. Parse Unix cal to a weekday mapping Advanced level In the last bite we return the weekday from a …
3.10 re Unix zip
Bite 76. The singledispatch countdown challenge Advanced level We are stoked and grateful to have Martin have you …
3.10 decorators functools singledispatch
Bite 100. Display the last part of a file (Unix tail) Beginner level Complete the function below simulating Unix' tail, for example: $ …
3.10 file processing slicing strip Unix
Intro Bite 05. Slice and dice Intro level Take the block of text provided and strip off the …
3.10 freebie replace slicing split string module strip
Intro Bite 06. Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements Intro level In this Bite we'd like you to loop over the …
3.10 counting freebie regular expressions replace string manipulation Zen of Python
Bite 136. Bloodtypes Beginner level Check red blood cell compatibility between donor and recipient. For …
3.10 enum exception handling multi type input
Bite 141. Primitive date format inferrer Intermediate level Complete the get_dates method given the following: a listing of …
3.10 classmethod datetime enum exception handling
Bite 143. Look up a value in 3 dictionaries Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with 3 dictionaries. Complete …
3.10 collections dict
Bite 145. Record Breakers Advanced level The data for this challenge comes from a subset of …
3.10 csv data analysis pandas
Bite 151. Contemporary Composers Intermediate level You are given a list of operas and a list …
3.10 datetime dict exception handling generators namedtuple
Bite 159. Create a simple calculator Intermediate level In this Bite you will create a simple calculator. It …
3.10 exception handling numbers operator
Bite 160. 15-way Rock Paper Scissors Advanced level In this Bite you are going to write a 15-way …
3.10 csv dict exception handling games
Bite 192. Some logging practice Beginner level You are to flesh out the log_it() function so that …
3.10 callable logging
Bite 220. Analysing @pythonbytes RSS feed Advanced level Another feedparser exercise! In this Bite we're going to analyze …
3.10 classes Counter feedparser max min namedtuple regular expressions string matching type hinting
Bite 223. Unix file permissions Intermediate level Each file and directory in Unix has its permissions broken …
3.10 dict list comprehensions string manipulation
Bite 229. Scrape best programming books Advanced level For this bite, you are going to scrape the books …
3.10 beautifulsoup books classes data cleaning data wrangling sorting web scraping
Bite 236. User experience matters! Suggest matching files Intermediate level We love it when CLI or web apps take the …
3.10 difflib files pathlib
Bite 238. Write tests for Fibonacci Beginner level Our first Test Bite! The concept is simple: to pass …
3.7 fibonacci freebie pytest
Bite 249. Test a movie DB class Advanced level Time for fixtures, one of pytest's killer features or as …
3.7 classes fixtures movie data pytest SQL sqlite3
Bite 252. Let's play with Pandas Series Beginner level In Bite 251 we looked at creating some simple pandas …
3.10 numpy pandas series slicing type hinting
Bite 253. More Pandas Series Practice Intermediate level In Bite 251 and Bite 252 we looked at creating …
3.10 math pandas series statistics
Bite 264. Clamy Fernet Intermediate level In this bite, you are going to get familiar with …
3.8 cryptography dataclasses encode encryption fernet typing
Bite 266. Composition, Inheritance, Abstract Base Class, what? Advanced level It’s not as bad as that sounds, really. If you …
3.10 ABCs abstractmethod beautifulsoup composition dataclasses inheritance namedtuple string formatting typing urllib web scraping
Bite 268. Number Transformers Advanced level Inspired by the movie Transformer, John decides to design a …
3.10 algorithms numbers
Bite 274. Number conversion problem Intermediate level Recursion in computer science is a method of solving a …
3.10 algorithms numbers recursion
Bite 278. Major and minor numbers Beginner level You are given a list of integers. Write code to …
3.10 collections max min numbers
Bite 279. Armstrong numbers Beginner level In number theory there are many interesting numbers - eg. …
3.10 algorithms numbers
Bite 285. Nested List Extraction Intermediate level Sometimes dealing with data can be a real struggle. Sometimes …
3.10 data structures string parsing
Bite 290. Class Rosters Data Conversion Intermediate level You have been given a comma-delimited .csv file containing class …
3.10 csv string parsing tuple unpacking
Bite 299. Base converter Intermediate level For this challenge, you are going to have write a …
3.10 base exception handling
Bite 305. Split once, delimit many Intermediate level Write a function that accepts a string and splits the …
3.10 looping split string parsing
Bite 306. Translate coding sequences to proteins Intermediate level Genes can be converted (translated) to proteins using a three base …
3.8 bioinformatics biopython
Bite 307. SQLite3 introduction Intermediate level In this Bite, you are going to get some practice …
3.10 databases SQL sqlite3
Bite 311. Cleaning text with pandas Intermediate level We recently published a blog post about how to approach …
3.8 data cleaning pandas TF-IDF
Bite 312. Scoring objects Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to score objects: Object …
3.10 builtins importlib keyword typing
Bite 327. AST visitor Advanced level In Bite 312 we learned how to identify builtin functions, …
3.10 AST
Bite 334. Simple TCP client Intermediate level Your job is to write a simple TCP/IP client which …
3.10 client hashlib multiprocessing networking secrets socket TCP/IP
Bite 345. FastAPI Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Advanced level Up to this point anyone can modify food entries in …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions Advanced level Let your mind wander and tell us what you think …
3.10 crontab dataclasses datetime exception handling iteration
Bite 363. Movie Theater (Refactoring) Intermediate level Refactor the code from invoice_to_be_refactored inside invoice_refactored and make it …
3.10 clean code refactoring
Bite 364. Create Wikipedia Lorem Ipsum text Intermediate level Lorem Ipsum is text used to demonstrate layout in documents …
3.10 beautifulsoup list comprehensions random regular expressions requests
Bite 372. Validate Pangram Beginner level A pangram, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a …
algorithms hashing string strings
Bite 374. Group Anagrams Intermediate level As defined by the OED, an anagram is a word, …
array defaultdict strings
Bite 375. Find All Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Intermediate level The typical phone keypad (pictured) features numbers (0 - 9), …
backtracking itertools strings
Bite 378. Organizational Chart Advanced level Of all the types of questions you are likely to …
binary tree depth-first search graph traversal
Bite 379. Hedge Maze Advanced level Imagine you're trapped in a mysterious maze, much like the …
breadth-first graph traversal maze
Newbie Bite 27. Failing Tests As you continue your coding journey on our platform, it's …
3.10 debugging newbie pytest testing
Newbie Bite 50. Read The Docs In this Bite, you'll practice reading and using Python's official …
3.10 collections counter documentation newbie reading docs
PCC Title Summary
01 Word Values Part I Our first weekly code challenge is to calculate the (language) dictionary word that would have the most value in Scrabble. Enjoy and let us know if you like this format.
07 Twitter Sentiment Analysis A new week, more coding! In this challenge you will do a sentiment analysis of a recently released movie, is it well received or not?
12 Build a Tic-tac-toe Game Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! After last week's conceptual challenge (generators), we'd like to challenge you this week to build Tic-tac-toe. Every time we do games (previously Word Values and Hangman) we learn a lot. Enjoy and we review solutions end of this week.
13 Highest Rated Movie Directors Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! After last week's (tictactoe game), we'd like to sharpen your data analysis skills this week by parsing a movie data set in search for highest rated directors. Enjoy and we review solutions end of this week.
14 Write DRY Code With Decorators Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we let you practice with decorators, a nice way to abstract away common functionality. It allows you to alter the behavior of a callable without modifying the callable itself. We agree with Dan Bader that 'understanding decorators is a milestone for any serious Python programmer.' Enjoy!
15 Create a Simple Flask App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we’re going to get down and dirty with Python Flask. Flask is becoming a hot skill to have up your sleeve. We’re all in with learning it so figure it’s about time we had a challenge on it! Enjoy!
16 Query Your Favorite API Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we'll let you play with Web APIs. They are fun to fiddle with and great for learning and building cool things. Enjoy!
17 Never Miss a Good Podcast Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we'll let you import a Podcast feed, store it in SQLite, and email unplayed episodes at a regular interval. Inspiration here. Enjoy!
18 Get Recommendations Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we'll do another API exercise: you will parse your Twitter feed searching for book / movie / music / you-name-it recommendations. Can you create a simple ParrotRead? Enjoy
19 Post to Your Favorite API Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week part 2 of APIs: post to your favorite API. Enjoy
20 Object Oriented Programming Fun Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will let you experiment with Object Oriented Programming, an important skill and fundamental building block of (everthing-is-an-object) Python. Enjoy!
21 Electricity Cost Calculation App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will get you to create a simple app to calculate the monetary cost of using an electrical device. Enjoy!
22 Packt Free Ebook Web Scraper Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will do some web scraping of Packt's daily free ebook, sending out daily notifications. This week we even have a unique opportunity to sponsor the Python Community, read on ... and happy coding!
23 Challenge Estimated Time API Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will give you the opportunity to enhance our challenge platform by creating a simple API to track how much time our challenges take (and possibly other metadata).
24 Use Dunder / Special Methods to Enrich a Class Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We wrote an article for Dan Bader's Python blog: Enriching Your Python Classes With Dunder (Magic, Special) Methods. We hope you like it. To put dunders into practice we dedicate this week's code challenge to it.
25 Notification Service of Now Playing and Upcoming Movies Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! What movies are in theaters now or just came out on your favorite streaming service? What are upcoming movies, when will they be released? Can I keep track of all new humor movies? Or what about that specific actor or director? Having a notification service around movies seems an interesting, fun and useful code challenge to us.
26 Create a Simple Python GUI Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! Web apps tend to get all the love so it’s about time we shared the spotlight with GUIs. This week let’s take our first dive as a PyBites Community into Python GUIs!
27 PRAW: The Python Reddit API Wrapper Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! Love or hate Reddit, it has a lot of good data to work with. This week we have you write an app of your choice using the Reddit API. Have fun!
28 Integrate a Bokeh Chart Into Flask Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We are delighted to have Michael Herman (Real Python) deliver this week's challenge. Prepare to learn some useful new skills and above all have fun!
29 Create a Simple Django App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We are 2 weeks into learning Django (our second 100 Days project) so we thought it's about time to dedicate a code challenge to it. So this week is all about coding (and deploying) a Django app. Have fun!
30 The Art of Refactoring: Improve Your Code Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding. Wow challenge 30 already! This week we let you hone your refactoring skills. Learn, code, PR submit (don't be shy) and above all have fun!
31 Image Manipulation With Pillow Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding. Let's shift gears a little bit: this week we have you choose an image manipulation task using Pillow, "the friendly PIL (Python Imaging Library) fork". Have fun!
32 Test a Simple Django App With Selenium Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python goodness. As anticipated this week we dedicate a challenge to Selenium testing. We think this is a cool skill to add to your web dev + testing repertoire.
33 Build a Django Tracker, Weather or Review App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python programming. To keep it #100DaysOfDjango, this week we let you get some more practice with this awesome web framework. Last time we had an open Django challenge, for this one we have you choose between 3 specific apps.
34 Build a Simple API With Django REST Framework Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python programming! We love Django (#100DaysOfDjango) and Web APIs. Django REST framework combines the two. "Now is better than never." - let's jump right in and let's use this week's code challenge to build a simple API. In this article some ideas what we can build and links to resources to get started. Have fun and don't forget to share (PR) your work, we can learn a lot from each other. Enjoy!
35 Improve Your Python Code With BetterCodeHub Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python programming! Last week we wrote an article on improving the quality of your code with Better Code Hub. This week we let you refactor a Python project. You can even win awards thanks to SIG who is sponsoring this challenge!
37 Automate a Task With Twilio Hi Pythonistas, this week we got a really cool challenge for you. Our Never Forget A Friend’s Birthday with Python, Flask and Twilio article got released on Twilio's blog and we thought it would be awesome to have you code up the next Twilio app. Join our challenge and if you build something serious you could even pitch it to Twilio!
38 Build Your Own Hacktoberfest Checker With Bottle Hi Pythonistas, Hacktoberfest started. Let's make open source better and track our progress with a little app you will build using the Bottle web framework.
39 Writing Tests With Pytest Hi Pythonistas, let's add some more challenges for October. Following our Python testing with pytest book review we let you write some tests with this awesome framework.
40 Daily Python Tip Part 1 - Make a Web App Hi Pythonistas, you heard of Daily Python Tip? It's a Twitter account that posts one python tip per day, run by @karlafej and @simecek. We partnered up with them and use their awesome collection of tips to build a web app (part 1) and a simple API (part 2).
41 Daily Python Tip Part 2 - Build an API Hi Pythonistas, you heard of Daily Python Tip? It's a Twitter account that posts one python tip per day, run by @karlafej and @simecek. We partnered up with them and use their awesome collection of tips to build a web app (part 1) and a simple API (part 2).
42 Mastering Regular Expressions Hi Pythonistas, it's beginning of the month so we're busy selecting some cool code challenges for you to work on to hone your Python skills. Regular Expressions was a long time coming so let's get it out there. We hope we hit a decent intermediate level with this challenge. If you have questions ask us in the comments or join our Slack.
43 Build a Chatbot Using Python Hi Pythonistas, it's incredible to think how quickly bots have grown in popularity. They're everywhere these days and will play an important role how we work and communicate in the near future! It's about time we go our bot on as well!
44 Marvel Data Analysis (Alicante PyChallengeDay) Hi Pythonistas, this is a very special edition! Today, the 10th of November, we launch our first Live Code Challenge. We partnered up with Python Alicante and we will be hosting this code challenge with them at the University of Alicante. If you don't happen to live in Alicante but do want to code today 10am-13pm CET you are more than welcome to join this Gitter channel.
45 TDD: Code FizzBuzz Writing Tests First! Hi Pythonistas, it’s time to do things differently! Test-Driven Development has to be one of the hardest programming methodologies to adopt yet also one of the most satisfying. It forces a different mindset which is definitely not for everyone. Either way, put your thinking caps on and jump in!
46 Add Continuous Integration (CI) to Your Project Hi Pythonistas, becoming a Python developer is partly about knowing your tools. Managing your environment, testing and continuous integration are unmissable skills when you start working on bigger projects with a team. So we decided to dedicate a code challenge to deployment. Take an existing projects or make a demo app from scratch, the goal is to build an automated pipeline. Will you be the next guy or girl at work receiving kudos for setting up a Jenkins server? Have fun!
47 PyBites First Year in Data (Special) Hi Pythonistas, can you believe it’s been a full year of PyBites already?! To commemorate our 1st birthday we figured the next challenge should be around… us!
48 Create a Python News Digest Tool Hi Pythonistas, welcome to a new year of challenges. Are you as amazed as we are by all the awesome Python stuff that comes out every week? But then you feel you always are behind because you lack the time to keep up? Welcome to daily reality. In this challenge we have you contribute to our community with tools to improve our weekly delivery of Python News. Be creative, have fun!
49 Contribute to Open Source: Clean up Planet Python Hi Pythonistas, it has been silent on the Community Blog challenges front, but then again we completed the 100 Days of Code in Python course which was a great milestone. Although less frequent, we will however, keep doing blog challenges so not to worry! Let's start with a long pending item: cleaning up Python planets feeds, an interesting and valuable open source contribution.
50 Use Celery to Offload an Expensive Task Hi Pythonistas, back-to-back with our Planet Python challenge 49 here is our special Easter Challenge #50 where you will use Celery to offload a simplified Easter ecard mailer app.
51 Analyse NBA Data with SQL/sqlite3 Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 51! In this challenge we get you analysing NBA player data from a CSV file.
52 Create your own Pomodoro Timer Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 52! In this challenge we get you create your very own Pomodoro Timer!
53 Query the Spotify API Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 53! In this challenge we get you query the Spotify API and perform a set of tasks.
54 Python Clipboard History Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 54! In this challenge we're asking that you create your own Clipboard History tool!
55 #100DaysOfCode Curriculum Generator Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 55! In this challenge we're asking that you create your own #100DaysOfCode Curriculum Generator.
56 Calculate the Duration of a Directory of Audio Files Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 56! In this challenge we're asking you to work with directory, files and audio meta data!
57 Analyze Olympic Games Data With Pandas Hey Pythonistas, a new week, a new Python code challenge! This week you can use Python, Pandas and all the libraries you need to analyze the data of Olympic Games and find out interesting things and present them to everyone with Matpolib, Seaborn and/or Plotly.
58 Analyze Podcast Transcripts with NLTK - Part I Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 58! In this two part challenge we're going to do some natural language processing on podcast transcript data. Prepare to have fun expanding your data science skills!
59 Analyze Podcast Transcripts with NLTK - Part II Hey Pythonistas, in this challenge you will expand on the work of PCC58, doing some natural language processing (NLP) on the podcast transcript data you collected. Have fun!
60 Working With PDF Files in Python Hey Pythonistas, in this challenge you will learn how to work with PDF documents. Enjoy!
61 Build a URL Shortener Hey Pythonistas, in this challenge you will build an URL shortener. Enjoy!
62 Women @ Pycon ES Hey Pythonistas, in this special live Alicante PyDay challenge you will analyze Pycon speaker data, do we see more women going on stage? Enjoy!