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Bite Level Description & Tags
Newbie Bite 50. Read The Docs Welcome to the last Newbie Bite! 🎉 In this Bite, …
3.10 collections counter documentation newbie reading docs
Bite 4. Top 10 PyBites tags Intermediate level In this Bite you will find the top ten tags …
3.10 Counter xml
Bite 6. PyBites Die Hard Intermediate level Given a listing of files for our community branch, determine: …
3.10 Counter file processing generators namedtuple
Bite 18. Find the most common word Intermediate level Write a function that returns the most common (non stop)word …
3.10 Counter data analysis list comprehensions
Bite 90. What South Park characters talk most? Intermediate level Did we already tell you we love the collections module? …
3.10 Counter csv data analysis defaultdict requests
Bite 88. Write a performance monitoring context manager Advanced level It's time for Context Managers part II. In Bite 20 …
3.10 context managers Counter
Bite 28. Converting date strings to datetimes Intermediate level In this Bite you are provided with a list of …
3.10 Counter datetime findall
Bite 124. Marvel data analysis Advanced level This is a simplified version of our Marvel Data Analysis …
3.10 Counter csv data analysis list comprehensions rounding sum
Bite 125. Get the most recommended books Intermediate level The Tim Ferriss Show is full of wisdom and inspiration. …
3.10 beautifulsoup Counter default args list comprehensions requests
Bite 130. Analyze some basic Car Data Beginner level In this exercise you will analyze some basic car data. …
3.10 Counter data analysis list comprehensions set
Bite 137. Gourmets' Nightmare Intermediate level Many gourmets struggle to find the perfect pairing of wines …
3.10 Counter intersection operator sorting
Bite 174. String manipulation and metrics Advanced level This bite will get you to play around with creating …
3.10 Counter dataclasses list comprehensions properties string formatting string manipulation translate
Bite 178. Parse PyBites blog git commit log Intermediate level In this Bite we want to figure out how active …
3.10 Counter data analysis datetime dateutil string parsing
Bite 184. Analyze some Bite stats data Intermediate level In this Bite we will look at some Bite stats …
3.10 Counter csv data analysis set
Bite 220. Analysing @pythonbytes RSS feed Advanced level Another feedparser exercise! In this Bite we're going to analyze …
3.10 classes Counter feedparser max min namedtuple regular expressions string matching type hinting
Bite 270. Most frequent digit in number Beginner level Given an integer number, find the most frequent digit in …
3.10 Counter counting numbers
Bite 275. Get the most common email domains Intermediate level In this Bite you will process a list of emails …
3.10 Counter requests set string parsing web scraping
Bite 304. Most identical letters in a word Intermediate level In this Bite, you will write a function called max_letter_word() …
3.10 casefold Counter max string matching
Bite 162. Vertically align output of counters Intermediate level In this Bite you are tasked with "physically" aligning the …
3.10 string formatting
Bite 260. Let's play with Pandas DataFrames Advanced level To this point in the Pandas learning path we have …
3.10 dataframes pandas
PCC Title Summary
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