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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 28. Converting date strings to datetimes Intermediate level In this Bite you are provided with a list of …
3.10 Counter datetime findall
Bite 92. Humanize a datetime Intermediate level In this Bite you will convert a timedelta object into …
3.10 datetime namedtuple
Bite 135. Sort a list of book objects Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to look at a …
3.10 attrgetter datetime lambda list namedtuple operator sorting
Bite 139. Calculate a coding streak in days Advanced level In this Bite you are going to calculate the amount …
3.10 datetime string manipulation timedelta
Bite 51. When does Python 2 die on Planet Miller? Intermediate level Imagine you landed on Planet Miller (from the movie Interstellar) …
3.10 datetime
Bite 144. Calculate the Number of Months Passed Intermediate level Some more fun working with dates! In this Bite you …
3.10 datetime dateutil exception handling
Bite 147. 100 WEEKDays of Code Date Range Intermediate level Doing a #100DaysOfCode can be challenging, and some of it …
3.10 datetime dateutil
Bite 151. Contemporary Composers Intermediate level You are given a list of operas and a list …
3.10 datetime dict exception handling generators namedtuple
Bite 219. Bite notification planner Intermediate level Another real world use case. When we added notifications to …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 233. Make a zipfile of the latest log files Intermediate level You added some monitoring the other day writing log files …
3.10 datetime os module pathlib zipfile
Bite 197. What date is Mother's Day celebrated? Intermediate level It's the 12th of May 2019 when we write this …
3.10 datetime dateutil
Bite 283. Like there's no tomorrow? Beginner level Ever have difficulty remembering what today's date is? How about …
3.10 datetime
Bite 237. Get the dates Ninja belts were earned Advanced level Another real-world scenario: in this Bite you will parse a …
3.10 datetime json looping pandas sorting
Bite 39. Calculate the total duration of a course Intermediate level In this Bite you read in a text file with …
3.10 datetime findall numbers timedelta
Bite 178. Parse PyBites blog git commit log Intermediate level In this Bite we want to figure out how active …
3.10 Counter data analysis datetime dateutil string parsing
Bite 198. Calculate my Mac's longest uptime Advanced level Given the following output, calculate the longest uptime / time …
3.10 data wrangling datetime dateutil string parsing
Bite 291. Find the fastest speech Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse an SRT (SubRip Subtitle …
3.10 datetime sorting string manipulation
Bite 301. Exchange rates Intermediate level In this Bite you have to provide the currency exchange …
3.10 datetime dict sorting
Bite 242. Zodiacal data parsing Advanced level In this Bite we will write tests for a module …
3.7 datetime fixtures pytest
Bite 316. To rent or to stream movies? Intermediate level You're on a movie budget so you want to evaluate …
3.10 collections datetime dict typing
Bite 300. 🥳 PTO Calculator Advanced level We've all been affected by COVID-19 in one way or …
3.10 calendar datetime exception handling looping numbers string formatting
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions Advanced level Let your mind wander and tell us what you think …
3.10 crontab dataclasses datetime exception handling iteration
Bite 322. Reading progress Beginner level Happy New Year! How many books do you aim to …
3.10 datetime numbers
Bite 16. PyBites date generator Beginner level Write a generator that returns every 100th day counting forward from …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 366. Goal Tracker Intermediate level In this Bite, you build a function that tells you …
3.10 date datetime tuple unpacking
Bite 7. Parsing dates from logs Intermediate level In this Bite we will look at this short server …
3.10 datetime file processing
Bite 19. Write a property Beginner level Write a simple Promo class. Its constructor receives two variables: …
3.10 datetime properties
Bite 35. Having fun with heapq Intermediate level In this Bite you are provided with 3 data structures: …
3.10 datetime heapq
Bite 67. Working with datetimes Beginner level This Bite involves solving two problems using datetime: We kicked …
3.10 datetime timedelta
Bite 141. Primitive date format inferrer Intermediate level Complete the get_dates method given the following: a listing of …
3.10 classmethod datetime enum exception handling
Bite 128. Work with datetime's strptime and strftime Beginner level In this Bite you get some more practice with datetime's …
3.10 datetime strftime strptime
Bite 173. Set up future notifications Intermediate level Let's do another datetime processing Bite. Complete add_todo below that …
3.10 datetime findall f-strings timedelta
Bite 175. Find missing dates Intermediate level Complete get_misssing_dates that takes an (unordered) sequence of datetime.date objects. …
3.10 datetime dateutil pandas
Bite 186. Calculate number of books to have read at date ... Intermediate level For this Bite you are asked to start working on …
3.10 datetime dateutil exception handling
Newbie Bite 35. Working With Dates In this bite, we are going to explore the datetime module …
3.10 datetime imports modules newbie
Bite 171. Make a terminal spinner animation Advanced level In this Bite you will spice up your command line …
3.10 command line itertools stdout sys time
Bite 83. At what time does PyBites live? Beginner level Get to know pytz! pytz brings the Olson tz database …
3.10 pytz timezones
Bite 73. Organize a meeting between timezones (pytz) Intermediate level Help PyBites community friends find a reasonable common time to …
3.10 pytz timezones
Bite 328. Longest coding streak Advanced level What is your longest streak of completed Bites? In Bite …
3.10 fromordinal itertools timezones toordinal
Bite 37. Rewrite a for loop using recursion Beginner level Although you have to be careful using recursion it is …
3.10 recursion reverse
Bite 48. Make a bar chart of new Safari books Intermediate level Some time ago we made a little Slack bot to …
3.10 bar chart data analysis
Bite 49. Scrape Packt's html with BeautifulSoup Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse Packt's free learning ebook …
3.10 beautifulsoup namedtuple requests
Bite 62. Data structures matter - speed up your Python code Intermediate level In this Bite we provide you with 5 functions which …
3.10 data structures performance
Bite 69. Regex Fun - part II Advanced level It's time for another Regex one! (here is part I) …
3.10 re regular expressions
Bite 88. Write a performance monitoring context manager Advanced level It's time for Context Managers part II. In Bite 20 …
3.10 context managers Counter
Bite 95. Subclass the dict built-in Intermediate level In this Bite you will subclass the dict built-in to …
3.10 classes inheritance
Intro Bite 01. F-strings and a simple if/else Intro level Welcome to our Intro Bites, it's time to gauge where …
3.10 freebie f-strings if/else
Intro Bite 06. Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements Intro level In this Bite we'd like you to loop over the …
3.10 counting freebie regular expressions replace string manipulation Zen of Python
Bite 131. Screen scraper Advanced level This is the output from using screenFetch on my junky …
3.10 dict index regular expressions slicing string manipulation
Bite 153. Round a sequence of numbers Beginner level It's time to get mathematical! In this Bite we ask …
3.10 list comprehensions math rounding
Bite 154. Write your own Data Class Intermediate level As you might have noticed we are now on Python …
3.10 dataclasses data structures hashable sorting type hinting
Bite 170. Analyze McDonald's food data Advanced level In this Bite you are going to analyze some nutrition …
3.10 data analysis pandas
Bite 181. Keep a list sorted upon insert Beginner level Complete the add method of the OrderedList class which takes …
3.10 bisect classes data structures __str__
Newbie Bite 01. Assigning Objects Welcome to our Newbie Bites, it's time to learn the …
3.10 freebie newbie variables
Newbie Bite 05. Basic Maths We're able to print integers. Now what? Yep, it's time …
3.10 math newbie
Bite 203. Type hinting practice Intermediate level It's time for some type hinting! For this bite, you …
3.10 classes dataclasses type hinting
Bite 204. Pomodoro with asyncio Advanced level This Bite explores asyncio and type-hinting. For this bite, you …
3.10 asyncio pomodoro
Bite 206. Calculate and evenly split the bill Intermediate level Three old friends Bob, Mary, and Alice meet at PyCon …
3.10 Decimal numbers rounding
Bite 207. Cached property decorator Advanced level Given the sample class Planet, computing the mass attribute of …
3.10 caching classes decorators properties
Newbie Bite 12. Dicts It's time to dive into the next data structure in …
3.10 dict list newbie
Newbie Bite 17. If / else It's time to look at the amazing if statement! It's …
3.10 if/else newbie
Newbie Bite 22. For loops It's time to move on to a slightly more complex …
3.10 looping newbie
Bite 218. Create a sandwich decorator Beginner level After creating our Decorators and Context Managers learning path we …
3.10 decorators
Bite 221. Parse best selling lists using the NY times API Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to parse NY times …
3.10 APIs json mock requests
Bite 251. Introducing Pandas Series Beginner level Let's get started with Pandas! In case you are not …
3.10 pandas series string module
Bite 258. What the flux? Intermediate level One of the benefits of accounting is being able to …
3.10 finance math pandas
Bite 260. Let's play with Pandas DataFrames Advanced level To this point in the Pandas learning path we have …
3.10 dataframes pandas
Bite 261. Visit all PyCons in Europe Intermediate level In Bite 256 you scraped data on 2019 PyCons. Now …
3.10 data analysis dataclasses itertools math
Bite 265. Optimal fund raising Intermediate level Here is another classic algorithm problem wrapped in a Bite. …
3.10 algorithms looping math
Bite 269. Taxable Income Calculator Advanced level I have no idea what rabbit hole I followed to …
3.10 classes dataclasses finance namedtuple properties typing
Bite 311. Cleaning text with pandas Intermediate level We recently published a blog post about how to approach …
3.8 data cleaning pandas TF-IDF
Bite 327. AST visitor Advanced level In Bite 312 we learned how to identify builtin functions, …
3.10 AST
Bite 340. Update and delete food objects Intermediate level Now that we're able to create and retrieve Food objects, …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Bite 376. Art Thief Advanced level You are a professional art thief with a penchant for …
graph memoization recursion
Newbie Bite 36. Working With Dates - part 2 In this Bite, we are going to continue working with …
3.10 imports modules newbie
PCC Title Summary
02 Word Values Part II - A Simple Game Using what we've learned the last challenge this week we build a simple Scrabble-like game: given a random set of 7 letters build the most valuable word. Good luck!
07 Twitter Sentiment Analysis A new week, more coding! In this challenge you will do a sentiment analysis of a recently released movie, is it well received or not?
08 House Inventory Tracker A new week, more coding! In this challenge you will create an app to keep track of a house inventory.
09 The With Statement and Context Managers A new week, more coding! This week we have a free form exercise. This week you will implement your own Context Manager (= support with on your object).
12 Build a Tic-tac-toe Game Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! After last week's conceptual challenge (generators), we'd like to challenge you this week to build Tic-tac-toe. Every time we do games (previously Word Values and Hangman) we learn a lot. Enjoy and we review solutions end of this week.
13 Highest Rated Movie Directors Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! After last week's (tictactoe game), we'd like to sharpen your data analysis skills this week by parsing a movie data set in search for highest rated directors. Enjoy and we review solutions end of this week.
15 Create a Simple Flask App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we’re going to get down and dirty with Python Flask. Flask is becoming a hot skill to have up your sleeve. We’re all in with learning it so figure it’s about time we had a challenge on it! Enjoy!
19 Post to Your Favorite API Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week part 2 of APIs: post to your favorite API. Enjoy
22 Packt Free Ebook Web Scraper Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will do some web scraping of Packt's daily free ebook, sending out daily notifications. This week we even have a unique opportunity to sponsor the Python Community, read on ... and happy coding!
23 Challenge Estimated time API Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will give you the opportunity to enhance our challenge platform by creating a simple API to track how much time our challenges take (and possibly other metadata).
24 Use Dunder / Special Methods to Enrich a Class Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We wrote an article for Dan Bader's Python blog: Enriching Your Python Classes With Dunder (Magic, Special) Methods. We hope you like it. To put dunders into practice we dedicate this week's code challenge to it.
26 Create a Simple Python GUI Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! Web apps tend to get all the love so it’s about time we shared the spotlight with GUIs. This week let’s take our first dive as a PyBites Community into Python GUIs!
29 Create a Simple Django App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We are 2 weeks into learning Django (our second 100 Days project) so we thought it's about time to dedicate a code challenge to it. So this week is all about coding (and deploying) a Django app. Have fun!
31 Image Manipulation With Pillow Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding. Let's shift gears a little bit: this week we have you choose an image manipulation task using Pillow, "the friendly PIL (Python Imaging Library) fork". Have fun!
33 Build a Django Tracker, Weather or Review App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python programming. To keep it #100DaysOfDjango, this week we let you get some more practice with this awesome web framework. Last time we had an open Django challenge, for this one we have you choose between 3 specific apps.
34 Build a Simple API With Django REST Framework Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python programming! We love Django (#100DaysOfDjango) and Web APIs. Django REST framework combines the two. "Now is better than never." - let's jump right in and let's use this week's code challenge to build a simple API. In this article some ideas what we can build and links to resources to get started. Have fun and don't forget to share (PR) your work, we can learn a lot from each other. Enjoy!
42 Mastering Regular Expressions Hi Pythonistas, it's beginning of the month so we're busy selecting some cool code challenges for you to work on to hone your Python skills. Regular Expressions was a long time coming so let's get it out there. We hope we hit a decent intermediate level with this challenge. If you have questions ask us in the comments or join our Slack.
43 Build a Chatbot Using Python Hi Pythonistas, it's incredible to think how quickly bots have grown in popularity. They're everywhere these days and will play an important role how we work and communicate in the near future! It's about time we go our bot on as well!
45 TDD: Code FizzBuzz Writing Tests First! Hi Pythonistas, it’s time to do things differently! Test-Driven Development has to be one of the hardest programming methodologies to adopt yet also one of the most satisfying. It forces a different mindset which is definitely not for everyone. Either way, put your thinking caps on and jump in!
46 Add Continuous Integration (CI) to Your Project Hi Pythonistas, becoming a Python developer is partly about knowing your tools. Managing your environment, testing and continuous integration are unmissable skills when you start working on bigger projects with a team. So we decided to dedicate a code challenge to deployment. Take an existing projects or make a demo app from scratch, the goal is to build an automated pipeline. Will you be the next guy or girl at work receiving kudos for setting up a Jenkins server? Have fun!
47 PyBites First Year in Data (Special) Hi Pythonistas, can you believe it’s been a full year of PyBites already?! To commemorate our 1st birthday we figured the next challenge should be around… us!
48 Create a Python News Digest Tool Hi Pythonistas, welcome to a new year of challenges. Are you as amazed as we are by all the awesome Python stuff that comes out every week? But then you feel you always are behind because you lack the time to keep up? Welcome to daily reality. In this challenge we have you contribute to our community with tools to improve our weekly delivery of Python News. Be creative, have fun!
50 Use Celery to Offload an Expensive Task Hi Pythonistas, back-to-back with our Planet Python challenge 49 here is our special Easter Challenge #50 where you will use Celery to offload a simplified Easter ecard mailer app.
52 Create your own Pomodoro timer Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 52! In this challenge we get you create your very own Pomodoro Timer!
54 Python Clipboard History Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 54! In this challenge we're asking that you create your own Clipboard History tool!
55 #100DaysOfCode Curriculum Generator Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 55! In this challenge we're asking that you create your own #100DaysOfCode Curriculum Generator.
56 Calculate the Duration of a Directory of Audio Files Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 56! In this challenge we're asking you to work with directory, files and audio meta data!
57 Analyze Olympic Games Data With Pandas Hey Pythonistas, a new week, a new Python code challenge! This week you can use Python, Pandas and all the libraries you need to analyze the data of Olympic Games and find out interesting things and present them to everyone with Matpolib, Seaborn and/or Plotly.
58 Analyze Podcast Transcripts with NLTK - Part I Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 58! In this two part challenge we're going to do some natural language processing on podcast transcript data. Prepare to have fun expanding your data science skills!
61 Build a URL Shortener Hey Pythonistas, in this challenge you will build an URL shortener. Enjoy!
63 Automatically Generate Blog Featured Images Hey Pythonistas, in this new blog code challenge you are going to use selenium to automatically generate some cool featured images for PyBites. Have fun!
64 PyCon ES 2019 Marvel Challenge Hey Pythonistas, this weekend is Pycon ES and in the unlikely event you get bored, you can always do some coding with PyBites. Two more good reasons to do so: 1. there are prizes / give aways, 2. your PRs count towards Hacktoberfest (t-shirt). Fire up your editors and let's get coding!