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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 28. Converting date strings to datetimes Intermediate level In this Bite you are provided with a list of …
3.10 Counter datetime findall
Bite 92. Humanize a datetime Intermediate level In this Bite you will convert a timedelta object into …
3.10 datetime namedtuple
Bite 135. Sort a list of book objects Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to look at a …
3.10 attrgetter datetime lambda list namedtuple operator sorting
Bite 139. Calculate a coding streak in days Advanced level In this Bite you are going to calculate the amount …
3.10 datetime string manipulation timedelta
Bite 51. When does Python 2 die on Planet Miller? Intermediate level Imagine you landed on Planet Miller (from the movie Interstellar) …
3.10 datetime
Bite 144. Calculate the Number of Months Passed Intermediate level Some more fun working with dates! In this Bite you …
3.10 datetime dateutil exception handling
Bite 147. 100 WEEKDays of Code Date Range Intermediate level Doing a #100DaysOfCode can be challenging, and some of it …
3.10 datetime dateutil
Bite 151. Contemporary Composers Intermediate level You are given a list of operas and a list …
3.10 datetime dict exception handling generators namedtuple
Bite 219. Bite notification planner Intermediate level Another real world use case. When we added notifications to …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 233. Make a zipfile of the latest log files Intermediate level You added some monitoring the other day writing log files …
3.10 datetime os module pathlib zipfile
Bite 197. What date is Mother's Day celebrated? Intermediate level It's the 12th of May 2019 when we write this …
3.10 datetime dateutil
Bite 283. Like there's no tomorrow? Beginner level Ever have difficulty remembering what today's date is? How about …
3.10 datetime
Bite 237. Get the dates Ninja belts were earned Advanced level Another real-world scenario: in this Bite you will parse a …
3.10 datetime json looping pandas sorting
Bite 39. Calculate the total duration of a course Intermediate level In this Bite you read in a text file with …
3.10 datetime findall numbers timedelta
Bite 178. Parse PyBites blog git commit log Intermediate level In this Bite we want to figure out how active …
3.10 Counter data analysis datetime dateutil string parsing
Bite 198. Calculate my Mac's longest uptime Advanced level Given the following output, calculate the longest uptime / time …
3.10 data wrangling datetime dateutil string parsing
Bite 291. Find the fastest speech Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse an SRT (SubRip Subtitle …
3.10 datetime sorting string manipulation
Bite 301. Exchange rates Intermediate level In this Bite you have to provide the currency exchange …
3.10 datetime dict sorting
Bite 242. Zodiacal data parsing Advanced level In this Bite we will write tests for a module …
3.7 datetime fixtures pytest
Bite 316. To rent or to stream movies? Intermediate level You're on a movie budget so you want to evaluate …
3.10 collections datetime dict typing
Bite 300. 🥳 PTO Calculator Advanced level We've all been affected by COVID-19 in one way or …
3.10 calendar datetime exception handling looping numbers string formatting
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions Advanced level Let your mind wander and tell us what you think …
3.10 crontab dataclasses datetime exception handling iteration
Bite 322. Reading progress Beginner level Happy New Year! How many books do you aim to …
3.10 datetime numbers
Bite 16. PyBites date generator Beginner level Write a generator that returns every 100th day counting forward from …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 366. Goal Tracker Intermediate level In this Bite, you build a function that tells you …
3.10 date datetime tuple unpacking
Bite 7. Parsing dates from logs Intermediate level In this Bite we will look at this short server …
3.10 datetime file processing
Bite 19. Write a property Beginner level Write a simple Promo class. Its constructor receives two variables: …
3.10 datetime properties
Bite 35. Having fun with heapq Intermediate level In this Bite you are provided with 3 data structures: …
3.10 datetime heapq
Bite 67. Working with datetimes Beginner level This Bite involves solving two problems using datetime: We kicked …
3.10 datetime timedelta
Bite 141. Primitive date format inferrer Intermediate level Complete the get_dates method given the following: a listing of …
3.10 classmethod datetime enum exception handling
Bite 128. Work with datetime's strptime and strftime Beginner level In this Bite you get some more practice with datetime's …
3.10 datetime strftime strptime
Bite 173. Set up future notifications Intermediate level Let's do another datetime processing Bite. Complete add_todo below that …
3.10 datetime findall f-strings timedelta
Bite 175. Find missing dates Intermediate level Complete get_misssing_dates that takes an (unordered) sequence of datetime.date objects. …
3.10 datetime dateutil pandas
Bite 186. Calculate number of books to have read at date ... Intermediate level For this Bite you are asked to start working on …
3.10 datetime dateutil exception handling
Newbie Bite 35. Working With Dates In this bite, we are going to explore the datetime module …
3.10 datetime imports modules newbie
Bite 73. Organize a meeting between timezones (pytz) Intermediate level Help PyBites community friends find a reasonable common time to …
3.10 pytz timezones
Bite 95. Subclass the dict built-in Intermediate level In this Bite you will subclass the dict built-in to …
3.10 classes inheritance
Bite 167. Complete a User class: properties and representation dunder methods Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with another class, User …
3.10 classes dunder methods f-strings properties __repr__ __str__ string manipulation
PCC Title Summary
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