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PCC Title Summary
08 House Inventory Tracker A new week, more coding! In this challenge you will create an app to keep track of a house inventory.
15 Create a Simple flask App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we’re going to get down and dirty with Python Flask. Flask is becoming a hot skill to have up your sleeve. We’re all in with learning it so figure it’s about time we had a challenge on it! Enjoy!
18 Get Recommendations Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we'll do another API exercise: you will parse your Twitter feed searching for book / movie / music / you-name-it recommendations. Can you create a simple ParrotRead? Enjoy
23 Challenge Estimated Time API Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will give you the opportunity to enhance our challenge platform by creating a simple API to track how much time our challenges take (and possibly other metadata).
28 Integrate a Bokeh Chart Into flask Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We are delighted to have Michael Herman (Real Python) deliver this week's challenge. Prepare to learn some useful new skills and above all have fun!
29 Create a Simple Django App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We are 2 weeks into learning Django (our second 100 Days project) so we thought it's about time to dedicate a code challenge to it. So this week is all about coding (and deploying) a Django app. Have fun!
31 Image Manipulation With Pillow Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding. Let's shift gears a little bit: this week we have you choose an image manipulation task using Pillow, "the friendly PIL (Python Imaging Library) fork". Have fun!
32 Test a Simple Django App With Selenium Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python goodness. As anticipated this week we dedicate a challenge to Selenium testing. We think this is a cool skill to add to your web dev + testing repertoire.
37 Automate a Task With Twilio Hi Pythonistas, this week we got a really cool challenge for you. Our Never Forget A Friend’s Birthday with Python, Flask and Twilio article got released on Twilio's blog and we thought it would be awesome to have you code up the next Twilio app. Join our challenge and if you build something serious you could even pitch it to Twilio!
39 Writing Tests With Pytest Hi Pythonistas, let's add some more challenges for October. Following our Python testing with pytest book review we let you write some tests with this awesome framework.
44 Marvel Data Analysis (Alicante PyChallengeDay) Hi Pythonistas, this is a very special edition! Today, the 10th of November, we launch our first Live Code Challenge. We partnered up with Python Alicante and we will be hosting this code challenge with them at the University of Alicante. If you don't happen to live in Alicante but do want to code today 10am-13pm CET you are more than welcome to join this Gitter channel.
50 Use Celery to Offload an Expensive Task Hi Pythonistas, back-to-back with our Planet Python challenge 49 here is our special Easter Challenge #50 where you will use Celery to offload a simplified Easter ecard mailer app.
52 Create your own Pomodoro Timer Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 52! In this challenge we get you create your very own Pomodoro Timer!