Welcome to the PyBites Newbie Bites

Login to code Are you an absolute beginner to Python? The best way to learn the basics is by coding on day one! Learn the essential Python building blocks through the Newbie Bites below. This is a paid product, you can buy the bundle here. They are also included in our PyBites Introductory Bites Course. Struggling with these and fundamental Python concepts? Check out our Pybites Developer Init (PDI) Coaching Program.

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Newbie Bite 01. Assigning Objects

Welcome to our Newbie Bites, it's time to learn the basics of Python! If you are new to our platform …

3.10 freebie newbie



Newbie Bite 02. Basic Data Types

If you really think about it, there are multiple different types of data that you can play with when coding. …

3.10 data types freebie



Newbie Bite 03. Basic Printing

Before we dive too far into these objects, let's quickly look at how we print to the screen. Almost every …

3.10 freebie newbie



Newbie Bite 04. Printing Objects

Excellent! We know things! Now that we have data assigned to objects and we know how to print, let's print …

3.10 newbie print


Newbie Bite 05. Basic Maths

We're able to print integers. Now what? Yep, it's time for some maths! Wooo!

3.10 math newbie


Newbie Bite 06. Additional Maths

Let's quickly cover off the rest of the math operators. We've had a look at addition so next we need …

3.10 math newbie


Newbie Bite 07. User Input

Quite often as you make scripts and applications you're going to need to grab user input. One of the ways …

3.10 input newbie


Newbie Bite 08. String Manipulation

There are times you'll need to manipulate the strings you've assigned to a variable. Case in point, when you're dealing …

3.10 newbie string manipulation


Newbie Bite 09. Lists

Next up on our Python journey we're going to dive into what a list is in Python.

3.10 list newbie


Newbie Bite 10. Returning items by list index

Lists are pretty awesome (both in Python and in real life, am I right?). They're also pretty fun to work …

3.10 list newbie


Newbie Bite 11. Adding and Removing items from a list

Now that we have our list, what if we decide we want to change it after it's been defined/created?

3.10 list newbie


Newbie Bite 12. Dicts

It's time to dive into the next data structure in Python: the Dictionary!

3.10 dict list



Newbie Bite 13. Dict data retrieval methods

Excellent! We know what a dict is and what it looks like! Now let's access the data stored inside?

3.10 newbie


Newbie Bite 14. Functions

Here we go, the big one. Functions! This is where things really start to get fun!

3.10 functions newbie


Newbie Bite 15. Functions part II

Functions can be kind of tricky to start off with so let's do a bit of practice.

3.10 functions newbie


Newbie Bite 16. Equals Operator

In this quick bite we'll teach out about the equals operator.

3.10 equality newbie


Newbie Bite 17. If / else

It's time to look at the amazing if statement! It's one of the most valuable bits of code in your …

3.10 if/else newbie


Newbie Bite 18. Truthiness

One of the things we often need to check when we code is whether a condition is True or False. …

3.10 newbie truthiness


Newbie Bite 19. Less than and greater than

We'll now take a look at usage of the "less than" < and "greater than" > operators.

3.10 comparison newbie


Newbie Bite 20. While loop

The next challenge is to learn all about the while loop. Let's dive right in.

3.10 newbie while


Newbie Bite 21. Comments

Time to look at one of the more useful aspects of programming: Comments!

3.10 comments newbie


Newbie Bite 22. For loops

It's time to move on to a slightly more complex but brilliant loop: the for loop!

3.10 looping newbie


Newbie Bite 23. Looping through a dict

While we've explained how for loops work, it's worth diving into how we use them with dictionaries.

3.10 dict newbie


Newbie Bite 24. Tuples

One data type we've yet to cover is the tuple. It's a special one so here we go.

3.10 newbie tuples


Newbie Bite 25. Calling a function

The last Bite! Let's actually use what we've created by learning how to actually call a function.

3.10 functions newbie


Newbie Bite 26. Reading Errors

Welcome to the second half of the Newbie Bites. We created this second half of Bites to better prepare you …

3.10 debugging error handling

newbie syntax errors


Newbie Bite 27. Failing Tests

As you continue your coding journey on our platform, it's essential to become proficient in reading and interpreting failing test …

3.10 debugging newbie

pytest testing


Newbie Bite 28. Type Hints

In this bite, we are going to explore type hints in Python. Type hints are a feature introduced in Python …

3.10 newbie type hints


Newbie Bite 29. Default Arguments

In this Bite, we are going to explore the concept of default arguments in Python functions. Default arguments allow you to …

3.10 arguments functions



Newbie Bite 30. Special Chars

In this Bite, you'll learn about special characters in Python strings. Special characters like \n and \t are used to …

3.10 newbie newline

special characters strings tab


Newbie Bite 31. Word Count

In this bite, we are going to explore two useful string methods in Python: .split() and .splitlines(). These methods are …

3.10 methods newbie



Newbie Bite 32. Dict Retrieval - part 2

In this bite, we are going to revisit dictionaries. The point of a dictionary is that you have two pieces …

3.10 dictionaries newbie


Newbie Bite 33. Dict Retrieval - part 3

In this bite, we continue our exploration of Python dictionaries. Dictionaries are powerful data structures that allow you to store …

3.10 dictionaries newbie


Newbie Bite 34. Random Module

In this Bite, you'll write a simple number guessing game using Python. An essential part of this exercise involves using …

3.10 imports modules

newbie random


Newbie Bite 35. Working With Dates

In this bite, we are going to explore the datetime module in Python. Inside of datetime is a class called date. …

3.10 datetime imports

modules newbie


Newbie Bite 36. Working With Dates - part 2

In this Bite, we are going to continue working with dates in Python, focusing on using the date class from the …

3.10 imports modules



Newbie Bite 37. Make a Class

In this Bite, you'll learn about writing Python classes. Classes are like blueprints for creating custom objects. 

3.10 classes newbie


Newbie Bite 38. Class With Str

This Bite continues where the previous class Bite left off. You are presented with a Rectangle class, and you will …

3.10 classes dunder methods



Newbie Bite 39. Make a Dataclass

In this Bite, you'll explore Python dataclasses, introduced in Python 3.7 to simplify class definitions for storing data.

3.10 classes dataclasses



Newbie Bite 40. Scope

In this Bite, you'll learn about variable scope in Python. Understanding variable scope is essential for understanding which objects you …

3.10 newbie scope


Newbie Bite 41. String Manipulations

In this Bite, you'll learn more about manipulating strings in Python. String manipulation is a fundamental skill in programming, allowing …

3.10 lists lowercase

newbie slicing split string manipulation strings strip


Newbie Bite 42. List Comprehension

In this Bite, you will learn how to write list comprehensions. List comprehensions are a concise way to create lists …

3.10 integer isdigit

list comprehensions newbie numbers


Newbie Bite 43. Named Tuple

In this Bite, you'll learn about the namedtuple object. These objects are similar to a regular tuple; However, while elements …

3.10 collections namedtuples



Newbie Bite 44. Constants

In this Bite, you'll learn about assigning and using constants in Python. Constants are values that do not change throughout …

3.10 constants math



Newbie Bite 45. Exceptions

In this Bite, we introduce you to the essentials of exception handling in Python. Exception handling is a crucial aspect …

3.10 error handling exceptions

functions newbie


Newbie Bite 46. For Loop With Break And Continue

In this Bite, you'll learn how to control the flow of a for loop using the break and continue statements. These …

3.10 break continue

control flow loops newbie


Newbie Bite 47. In Operator

In this Bite, you'll learn how to use the in operator to check for the presence of multiple items in …

3.10 collections in operator

lists newbie


Newbie Bite 48. String Module

In this exercise, you'll practice writing another list comprehension (a robust tool for creating lists from other iterables and one …

3.10 list comprehensions newbie

string manipulation string module


Newbie Bite 49. Formatting Intro

In this Bite, you'll learn about string interpolation using the .format() method in Python. String interpolation allows you to insert …

3.10 .format() newbie

string interpolation strings


Newbie Bite 50. Read The Docs

In this Bite, you'll practice reading and using Python's official documentation. This is an essential skill for any developer, as …

3.10 collections counter

documentation newbie reading docs
