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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 378. Organizational Chart Advanced level Of all the types of questions you are likely to …
binary tree depth-first search graph traversal
Bite 379. Hedge Maze Advanced level Imagine you're trapped in a mysterious maze, much like the …
breadth-first graph traversal maze
Intro Bite 02. Infinite loop, input, continue and break Intro level In this Bite we'll get you to take user input …
3.10 break continue freebie input mock.patch while
Bite 189. Filter a list of names Beginner level Here is a Bite to practice the continue and break …
3.10 break continue generators looping
Newbie Bite 46. For Loop With Break And Continue In this Bite, you'll learn how to control the flow …
3.10 break continue control flow loops newbie
Bite 21. Query a nested data structure Beginner level Given the provided cars dictionary: Get all Jeeps Get the …
3.10 data structures dictionary comprehensions list comprehensions sorting
Bite 89. Playing with lists and dicts Intermediate level In this Bite you are presented with a us_state_abbrev dict …
3.10 data structures dict list
Bite 62. Data structures matter - speed up your Python code Intermediate level In this Bite we provide you with 5 functions which …
3.10 data structures performance
Bite 148. Print Car Data Grouped by Manufacturer Intermediate level In this Bite you are presented with a list of …
3.10 data structures itertools operator sorting
Bite 154. Write your own Data Class Intermediate level As you might have noticed we are now on Python …
3.10 dataclasses data structures hashable sorting type hinting
Bite 181. Keep a list sorted upon insert Beginner level Complete the add method of the OrderedList class which takes …
3.10 bisect classes data structures __str__
Bite 285. Nested List Extraction Intermediate level Sometimes dealing with data can be a real struggle. Sometimes …
3.10 data structures string parsing
Bite 26. Dictionary comprehensions are awesome Beginner level A dictionary comprehension is like a list comprehension, but it …
3.10 dictionary comprehensions
Bite 161. Count the number of files and directories Beginner level Complete count_dirs_and_files traversing the passed in directory path. Return a …
3.10 counting directories files os module
Bite 242. Zodiacal data parsing Advanced level In this Bite we will write tests for a module …
3.7 datetime fixtures pytest
Bite 249. Test a movie DB class Advanced level Time for fixtures, one of pytest's killer features or as …
3.7 classes fixtures movie data pytest SQL sqlite3
Bite 238. Write tests for Fibonacci Beginner level Our first Test Bite! The concept is simple: to pass …
3.7 fibonacci freebie pytest
Newbie Bite 01. Assigning Objects Welcome to our Newbie Bites, it's time to learn the …
3.10 freebie newbie variables
Bite 342. Food logging CRUD Intermediate level In this Bite you will use the Pydantic FoodEntry model …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Bite 30. Movie data analysis Intermediate level In this Bite we are going to parse a csv …
3.10 data analysis defaultdict freebie mean movie data namedtuple sorting
Bite 241. Write tests for list_to_decimal Beginner level Our 4th test Bite. Michael made a calculator that will …
3.7 exception handling freebie pytest
Bite 343. FastAPI Exception handling Intermediate level In this Bite we'll take the API we built in …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Intro Bite 04. Split and join Intro level Split up the message on newline (\n) using the split …
3.10 freebie join split
Bite 3. Word Values Intermediate level Find the dictionary word with the highest value using Scrabble rules. …
3.10 freebie max Scrabble sum
Bite 2. Regex Fun Advanced level Learn some Python regular expressions by completing the following three …
3.10 findall freebie re regular expressions
Newbie Bite 03. Basic Printing Before we dive too far into these objects, let's quickly …
3.10 freebie newbie print
Bite 337. A little detour: Pydantic Beginner level Pydantic is an awesome library to do data validation and …
3.10 FastAPI freebie Pydantic
Intro Bite 01. F-strings and a simple if/else Intro level Welcome to our Intro Bites, it's time to gauge where …
3.10 freebie f-strings if/else
Bite 345. FastAPI Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Advanced level Up to this point anyone can modify food entries in …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Newbie Bite 02. Basic Data Types If you really think about it, there are multiple different …
3.10 data types freebie newbie
Intro Bite 06. Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements Intro level In this Bite we'd like you to loop over the …
3.10 counting freebie regular expressions replace string manipulation Zen of Python
Intro Bite 07. Filter numbers with a list comprehension Intro level Complete the function below that receives a list of numbers …
3.10 freebie list comprehensions modulo
Intro Bite 09. Workout dictionary lookups Intro level In this Bite you learn how to lookup values from …
3.10 dict exception handling format freebie string manipulation ternary
Bite 338. Create food objects Intermediate level Now with the Pydantic Food model defined we can start …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Bite 340. Update and delete food objects Intermediate level Now that we're able to create and retrieve Food objects, …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Bite 344. Return an HTML response Intermediate level You use FastAPI primarily to build APIs, but it can …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Bite 336. FastAPI Hello World Beginner level Welcome to this FastAPI learning path. In the next 10 …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Bite 1. Sum n numbers Beginner level Write a Python function that calculates the sum of a …
3.10 default args freebie None range sum
Bite 5. Parse a list of names Beginner level In this Bite you will work with a list of …
3.10 freebie lambda list comprehensions min sorting
Bite 339. Retrieve food objects Intermediate level Now that our API can add food objects, let's retrieve …
3.10 FastAPI freebie
Intro Bite 03. Loop through a dictionary and pluralise a word Intro level You're given a dictionary of people and the number of …
3.10 dict freebie looping
Intro Bite 08. Loop over a dict of namedtuples calculating a total score Intro level In this Bite you calculate the total amount of points …
3.10 counting dict freebie namedtuple
Bite 341. Pydantic part II Intermediate level In order to measure daily food intake as a user …
3.10 FastAPI freebie Pydantic
Intro Bite 05. Slice and dice Intro level Take the block of text provided and strip off the …
3.10 freebie replace slicing split string module strip
Intro Bite 10. Type conversion and exception handling Intro level In this Bite you complete the divide_numbers function that takes …
3.10 exception handling freebie raise type casting
Bite 243. Test code that parses JSON and IP ranges Intermediate level Another Test Bite, we ❤️them 😁- today you will write …
3.7 dataclasses ipaddress json pytest
Bite 9. Palindromes Intermediate level Write a function to determine if a word or phrase …
3.10 algorithms list comprehensions max reverse
Bite 18. Find the most common word Intermediate level Write a function that returns the most common (non stop)word …
3.10 Counter data analysis list comprehensions
Bite 94. Parse PyCon talk data from YouTube Advanced level PyCon2018 was awesome! But you clearly had to choose the …
3.10 list comprehensions max namedtuple
Bite 60. Create a deck of Uno cards Intermediate level In this Bite you will create a deck of Uno …
3.10 list list comprehensions namedtuple
Bite 50. Make a little PyBites search engine (feedparser) Advanced level Complete the program below to create a little search command …
3.10 any feedparser list comprehensions namedtuple search
Bite 44. License key generator Beginner level Write a function called gen_key that creates a license key …
3.10 list comprehensions secrets string module
Bite 118. List exercise: return first occurrence indices of duplicated words Intermediate level In this Bite you are presented with a list of …
3.10 counting list comprehensions set
Bite 124. Marvel data analysis Advanced level This is a simplified version of our Marvel Data Analysis we …
3.10 Counter csv data analysis list comprehensions rounding sum
Bite 125. Get the most recommended books Intermediate level The Tim Ferriss Show is full of wisdom and inspiration. …
3.10 beautifulsoup Counter default args list comprehensions requests
Bite 130. Analyze some basic Car Data Beginner level In this exercise you will analyze some basic car data. …
3.10 Counter data analysis list comprehensions set
Bite 132. Find the word with the most vowels Intermediate level Finish the get_word_max_vowels function below that takes a text string …
3.10 counting lambda list comprehensions string matching
Bite 153. Round a sequence of numbers Beginner level It's time to get mathematical! In this Bite we ask …
3.10 list comprehensions math rounding
Bite 174. String manipulation and metrics Advanced level This bite will get you to play around with creating …
3.10 Counter dataclasses list comprehensions properties string formatting string manipulation translate
Bite 223. Unix file permissions Intermediate level Each file and directory in Unix has its permissions broken …
3.10 dict list comprehensions string manipulation
Bite 231. Where are the emojis? Beginner level In this Bite you are given a list of strings …
3.10 emojis list list comprehensions looping regular expressions
Bite 246. Test print / standard output Beginner level In this Bite you test a function that prints to …
3.7 capfd capsys list comprehensions pytest stdout
Bite 271. Get all class names from a module Intermediate level In this Bite you will write a function to get …
3.10 inspect list comprehensions
Bite 364. Create Wikipedia Lorem Ipsum text Intermediate level Lorem Ipsum is text used to demonstrate layout in documents …
3.10 beautifulsoup list comprehensions random regular expressions requests
Newbie Bite 42. List Comprehension In this Bite, you will learn how to write list …
3.10 integer isdigit list comprehensions newbie numbers
Newbie Bite 48. String Module In this exercise, you'll practice writing another list comprehension (a …
3.10 list comprehensions newbie string manipulation string module
Bite 87. Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals Intermediate level Complete romanize that takes a decimal number and converts it …
3.10 numbers OrderedDict
Bite 72. Retrieve the right Ninja Belt based on score Intermediate level As you have probably seen on the dashboard you can …
3.10 itertools OrderedDict
Bite 69. Regex Fun - part II Advanced level It's time for another Regex one! (here is part I) …
3.10 re regular expressions
Bite 47. Write a new password field validator Intermediate level You know these Create a new password forms? They do …
3.10 re string module
Bite 75. Parse Unix cal to a weekday mapping Advanced level In the last bite we return the weekday from a …
3.10 re Unix zip
Bite 112. Social Media Username Validator Advanced level In this Bite you parse social_platforms below into a dict …
3.10 namedtuple range re regular expressions string manipulation string matching typing
Bite 121. Determine the strength of a password Advanced level In this Bite you evaluate the strength of a password. …
3.10 re string matching
Bite 150. Turn messy CSV into JSON Intermediate level At the 1 year mark of our platform here is …
3.10 csv json pandas re string manipulation
Newbie Bite 50. Read The Docs In this Bite, you'll practice reading and using Python's official …
3.10 collections counter documentation newbie reading docs
Bite 84. Flatten lists recursively (Droste Bite) Intermediate level Complete flatten that takes a list of lists (which can …
3.10 list recursion
Bite 37. Rewrite a for loop using recursion Beginner level Although you have to be careful using recursion it is …
3.10 recursion reverse
Bite 274. Number conversion problem Intermediate level Recursion in computer science is a method of solving a …
3.10 algorithms numbers recursion
Bite 286. Decompress Intermediate level Write a function, called decompress(), that accepts a string and …
3.10 recursion string manipulation
Bite 329. Convert dict keys to snake case Advanced level In this Bite we will take a (nested) dict and …
3.10 algorithms recursion string manipulation
Bite 376. Art Thief Advanced level You are a professional art thief with a penchant for …
graph memoization recursion
Bite 57. Create a simple calculator that receives command line arguments Intermediate level In this Bite you write a simple calculator that can …
3.10 argparse functools reduce
Bite 363. Movie Theater (Refactoring) Intermediate level Refactor the code from invoice_to_be_refactored inside invoice_refactored and make it …
3.10 clean code refactoring
Bite 131. Screen scraper Advanced level This is the output from using screenFetch on my junky …
3.10 dict index regular expressions slicing string manipulation
Bite 133. Convert an Amazon URL into an affiliation link Beginner level Can you help PyBites automate their Amazon affiliation link creation? …
3.10 regular expressions string manipulation
Bite 179. Strip comments from Python code Advanced level In this Bite you will strip off all comments from …
3.10 comments regular expressions string parsing
Bite 182. Parse a bunch of quotes from HTML Intermediate level Let's get some inspiration. Below you find the simplified HTML …
3.10 dict regular expressions string manipulation string parsing
Bite 213. Code a translation fixer Advanced level Imagine you built PyBites' new translation feature. You managed to …
3.10 regular expressions
Bite 215. Validate a license key Beginner level Complete the validate_license function writing a regular expression that matches …
3.10 bool regular expressions
Bite 216. Parse an email header Advanced level Write a regular expression to extract 4 pieces of information …
3.10 regular expressions
Bite 220. Analysing @pythonbytes RSS feed Advanced level Another feedparser exercise! In this Bite we're going to analyze …
3.10 classes Counter feedparser max min namedtuple regular expressions string matching type hinting
Bite 224. Get sentences from a text Advanced level Here is another fun regex exercise for you: it's easy …
3.10 data wrangling regular expressions string manipulation
Bite 234. Capitalize sentences Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to capitalize sentences in …
3.10 regular expressions string manipulation string matching string parsing
Bite 280. Regular Expression Lookahead/Lookbehind Advanced level For this bite you are going to solve three different …
3.10 lookahead lookbehind regular expressions
Bite 310. Create file pairs Advanced level In this bite you will write a function that pairs …
3.10 bioinformatics files regular expressions
Bite 114. Implement a Color class with staticmethod Intermediate level As the new junior developer, you have been charged with …
3.10 hex __repr__ staticmethod __str__ string module
Bite 167. Complete a User class: properties and representation dunder methods Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with another class, User …
3.10 classes dunder methods f-strings properties __repr__ __str__ string manipulation
Bite 90. What South Park characters talk most? Intermediate level Did we already tell you we love the collections module? …
3.10 Counter csv data analysis defaultdict requests
Bite 79. Parse a csv file and create a bar chart Intermediate level We played a bit with the Slack API today and …
3.10 bar chart community csv requests
Bite 49. Scrape Packt's html with BeautifulSoup Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse Packt's free learning ebook …
3.10 beautifulsoup namedtuple requests
Bite 111. Use the ipinfo API to lookup IP country Intermediate level In this Bite you will use the requests library to …
3.10 APIs json mock.patch requests
Bite 129. Analyze Stock Data Intermediate level In this Bite we will answer some questions about stocks, …
3.10 counting data analysis json requests sorting string manipulation
Bite 193. Most upvoted StackOverflow Python questions Intermediate level In this Bite you parse a copy of StackOverflow Python …
3.10 beautifulsoup requests sorting string matching web scraping
Bite 201. Call a Cisco Nexus 9k device Intermediate level Cisco Nexus 9k devices is one of the first network …
3.10 networking requests
Bite 221. Parse best selling lists using the NY Times API Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to parse NY Times …
3.10 APIs json mock requests
Bite 226. Get top titles from news.python.sc Intermediate level There is a new Python news aggregator in town! Check …
3.10 beautifulsoup namedtuple news requests sorting string parsing web scraping
Bite 256. Scrape PyCon events Intermediate level In this Bite, we want you to scrape PyCon 2019 …
3.10 beautifulsoup data analysis json namedtuple pycon requests web scraping
Bite 275. Get the most common email domains Intermediate level In this Bite you will process a list of emails …
3.10 Counter requests set string parsing web scraping
Bite 334. Simple TCP client Intermediate level Your job is to write a simple TCP/IP client which …
3.10 client hashlib multiprocessing networking secrets socket TCP/IP
Bite 23. Find words that are > 95% similar Advanced level Given a list of tags of our blog find the …
3.10 difflib file processing findall itertools SequenceMatcher
Bite 33. Transpose a data structure Intermediate level Sometimes you need to restructure a nested data structure. For …
3.10 dict zip
Bite 38. Using ElementTree to parse XML Beginner level In this Bite you will use ElementTree to parse some …
3.10 movie data xml
Bite 41. Write a login_required decorator Intermediate level If you worked with Flask or Django you must have …
3.10 decorators functools
Bite 46. You are a programmer! Code Fizz Buzz Beginner level Here is a beginner Bite to write Fizz Buzz: Fizz …
3.10 fizzbuzz
Bite 52. Create a movie quote API with Flask Advanced level In this Advanced Bite you will implement a full-blown CRUD …
3.10 APIs Flask movie data
Bite 55. Get the latest game releases from Steam's RSS feed Beginner level The Steam gaming platform has an RSS feed of their …
3.10 feedparser namedtuple
Bite 59. Create a multiplication table class of variable length Intermediate level Danny does not like rote learning (nor do we!). He …
3.10 classes dunder methods exception handling numbers
Bite 61. Create a variable size Paw Patrol card deck with random actions Advanced level The Paw Patrol card deck consists of 32 cards ranging …
3.10 itertools namedtuple random string module
Bite 68. remove punctuation characters from a string Beginner level Complete remove_punctuation which receives an input string and strips out …
3.10 string manipulation string module
Bite 70. Create your own iterator Intermediate level In this Bite you make an iterator called EggCreator by …
iterators random
Bite 74. What day of the week were you born on? Beginner level Complete weekday_of_birth_date which takes a date object of a birthday …
3.10 calendar
Bite 82. Define a Score Enum and customize it adding methods Intermediate level Starting Python 3.4 there is support for enumerations (not to …
3.10 classmethod enum __str__
Bite 85. Write a score property Advanced level After Bite 19. Write a simple property let's write a …
3.10 classes properties
Bite 86. Create a RGB-to-Hex converter Intermediate level Designer Mary wants to convert her CSS from statements like …
3.10 string formatting
Bite 116. List and filter files in a directory Intermediate level In this Bite you complete get_files that receives a dirname …
3.10 generators glob os module
Bite 119. Xmas tree generator Intermediate level In this Bite you complete generate_xmas_tree that takes a rows …
3.10 default args join range string formatting
Bite 122. Check if two words are anagrams Intermediate level An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging …
3.10 anagram string matching
Bite 127. return the right ordinal suffix for a number Intermediate level In this Bite you complete a function that takes an …
3.10 dict modulo numbers string manipulation
Bite 137. Gourmets' Nightmare Intermediate level Many gourmets struggle to find the perfect pairing of wines …
3.10 Counter intersection operator sorting
Bite 139. Calculate a coding streak in days Advanced level In this Bite you are going to calculate the amount …
3.10 datetime string manipulation timedelta
Bite 141. Primitive date format inferrer Intermediate level Complete the get_dates method given the following: a listing of …
3.10 classmethod datetime enum exception handling
Bite 145. record Breakers Advanced level The data for this challenge comes from a subset of …
3.10 csv data analysis pandas
Bite 159. Create a simple calculator Intermediate level In this Bite you will create a simple calculator. It …
3.10 exception handling numbers operator
Bite 163. Which packages were upgraded? Intermediate level In this Bite you compare a list of packages (aka …
3.10 comparison dict numbers string manipulation
Bite 173. Set up future notifications Intermediate level Let's do another datetime processing Bite. Complete add_todo below that …
3.10 datetime findall f-strings timedelta
Bite 176. Create a variable length chessboard Beginner level In this Bite you are going to print a chessboard …
3.10 modulo range stdout
Bite 177. Use Pandas to find most common genres in a movie excel sheet Advanced level Another pandas Bite: we took some fake movie data from …
3.10 data cleaning excel groupby movie data pandas
Bite 185. Create a simple spelling suggester Intermediate level In this Bite you will write a simple spelling corrector. …
3.10 difflib SequenceMatcher string matching
Bite 186. Calculate number of books to have read at date ... Intermediate level For this Bite you are asked to start working on …
3.10 datetime dateutil exception handling
Bite 187. Actor/actress age at movie release Intermediate level Ever wondered how old an actor/actress was in a particular …
3.10 dataclasses dateutil f-strings
Bite 196. Create a JS-like dict object Advanced level In this Bite we challenge you to make a dict-like …
3.10 classes dict inheritance javascript
Newbie Bite 10. returning items by list index Lists are pretty awesome (both in Python and in real …
3.10 list newbie
Newbie Bite 11. Adding and removing items from a list Now that we have our list, what if we decide …
3.10 list newbie
Newbie Bite 13. Dict data retrieval methods Excellent! We know what a dict is and what it …
3.10 newbie
Bite 211. Write a retry decorator Advanced level Write a retry decorator that retries executing the function it …
3.10 decorators exception handling
Bite 212. Suppressing exceptions Intermediate level Ever wanted to suppress an exception? Check out Python's contextlib …
3.10 context managers exception handling
Newbie Bite 19. Less than and greater than We'll now take a look at usage of the "less …
3.10 comparison newbie
Bite 217. Capture stdout Intermediate level Sometimes you need to capture stdout in your script. Python …
3.10 context managers StringIO
Bite 218. Create a sandwich decorator Beginner level After creating our Decorators and Context Managers learning path we …
3.10 decorators
Bite 228. Create a Gravatar URL Intermediate level In this Bite you will generate a Gravatar URL, e.g. …
3.10 gravatar hashlib string formatting
Bite 237. Get the dates Ninja belts were earned Advanced level Another real-world scenario: in this Bite you will parse a …
3.10 datetime json looping pandas sorting
Bite 244. Make mutpy's output more digestible Intermediate level Another real world scenario. When we started using MutPy for …
3.10 data wrangling looping mutpy string matching string parsing
Bite 245. Xmas Tree 2.0 Intermediate level In this Bite you have to complete generate_improved_xmas_tree that takes …
3.10 range string formatting
Bite 253. More Pandas Series Practice Intermediate level In Bite 251 and Bite 252 we looked at creating …
3.10 math pandas series statistics
Bite 259. reverse complement Intermediate level In the majority of organisms, the genetic code is encoded …
3.10 bioinformatics string manipulation translate
Bite 267. Measure the size of an island Intermediate level In this algorithm Bite, the challenge is to measure the …
3.10 algorithms looping math
Bite 270. Most frequent digit in number Beginner level Given an integer number, find the most frequent digit in …
3.10 Counter counting numbers
Bite 281. Generating sales reports from Github data Advanced level In this bite you will learn how to process the …
3.8 data analysis pandas
Bite 283. Like there's no tomorrow? Beginner level Ever have difficulty remembering what today's date is? How about …
3.10 datetime
Bite 294. Bowling score Advanced level If you've never tried bowling, it's a fun game to …
3.10 games looping numbers
Bite 297. rename keys Advanced level The Data Processing Department was writing a script to import …
3.10 data cleaning dict iteration
Bite 315. More logging practice Intermediate level In this Bite you will hone your logging skills by …
3.10 exception handling logging
Bite 316. To rent or to stream movies? Intermediate level You're on a movie budget so you want to evaluate …
3.10 collections datetime dict typing
Bite 322. reading progress Beginner level Happy New Year! How many books do you aim to …
3.10 datetime numbers
Bite 324. Pretty string Beginner level Write a function that returns a neatly formatted string representation …
3.10 pprint
Bite 326. Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Printer Intermediate level In this Bite we familiarise with Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). …
3.10 AST
Bite 328. Longest coding streak Advanced level What is your longest streak of completed Bites? In Bite …
3.10 fromordinal itertools timezones toordinal
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions Advanced level Let your mind wander and tell us what you think …
3.10 crontab dataclasses datetime exception handling iteration
Bite 355. Create Your First Typer Command Line Interface (CLI) Application Beginner level In the previous Bites, you have successfully transformed an existing …
3.10 command line Typer
Bite 356. Using Typer Callbacks to Create Command Line Interface (CLI) Parameters Intermediate level In the previous Bite you have created your first simple …
3.10 command line Typer
Bite 359. Implementation of a More Sophisticated Typer Tests Advanced level Building up on the previous Bite, you now have the …
3.7 command line Typer
Bite 360. Add a progress bar to Your Command Line Interface (CLI) Beginner level In this Bite, you will create a simplistic CLI application …
3.10 command line rich Typer
Bite 361. Rich Excursion - Create Beautiful Tables Intermediate level This will be a quick Bite showing you how to …
3.10 command line rich Typer
Bite 373. reverse only Letters Beginner level Given a string, reverse only the English letters (lowercase or …
queues stacks strings
Newbie Bite 26. reading Errors Welcome to the second half of the Newbie Bites. We …
3.10 debugging error handling newbie syntax errors
Newbie Bite 32. Dict retrieval - part 2 In this bite, we are going to revisit dictionaries. The …
3.10 dictionaries newbie
Newbie Bite 33. Dict retrieval - part 3 In this bite, we continue our exploration of Python dictionaries. …
3.10 dictionaries newbie
PCC Title Summary
06 PyPI 100K Packages Prediction A new week, more coding! In this challenge you will make a prediction when PyPI will reach the 100.000 packages milestone.
13 Highest Rated Movie Directors Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! After last week's (tictactoe game), we'd like to sharpen your data analysis skills this week by parsing a movie data set in search for highest rated directors. Enjoy and we review solutions end of this week.
15 Create a Simple Flask App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we’re going to get down and dirty with Python Flask. Flask is becoming a hot skill to have up your sleeve. We’re all in with learning it so figure it’s about time we had a challenge on it! Enjoy!
18 Get recommendations Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we'll do another API exercise: you will parse your Twitter feed searching for book / movie / music / you-name-it recommendations. Can you create a simple ParrotRead? Enjoy
22 Packt Free Ebook Web Scraper Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! This week we will do some web scraping of Packt's daily free ebook, sending out daily notifications. This week we even have a unique opportunity to sponsor the Python Community, read on ... and happy coding!
26 Create a Simple Python GUI Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! Web apps tend to get all the love so it’s about time we shared the spotlight with GUIs. This week let’s take our first dive as a PyBites Community into Python GUIs!
27 PRAW: The Python reddit API Wrapper Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! Love or hate Reddit, it has a lot of good data to work with. This week we have you write an app of your choice using the Reddit API. Have fun!
29 Create a Simple Django App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We are 2 weeks into learning Django (our second 100 Days project) so we thought it's about time to dedicate a code challenge to it. So this week is all about coding (and deploying) a Django app. Have fun!
30 The Art of refactoring: Improve Your Code Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding. Wow challenge 30 already! This week we let you hone your refactoring skills. Learn, code, PR submit (don't be shy) and above all have fun!
33 Build a Django Tracker, Weather or review App Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python programming. To keep it #100DaysOfDjango, this week we let you get some more practice with this awesome web framework. Last time we had an open Django challenge, for this one we have you choose between 3 specific apps.
34 Build a Simple API With Django reST Framework Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python programming! We love Django (#100DaysOfDjango) and Web APIs. Django REST framework combines the two. "Now is better than never." - let's jump right in and let's use this week's code challenge to build a simple API. In this article some ideas what we can build and links to resources to get started. Have fun and don't forget to share (PR) your work, we can learn a lot from each other. Enjoy!
36 Create an AWS Lambda Function Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new 'bite' of Python coding! We are delighted to have Michael Herman (Real Python) back to deliver this week's challenge. Prepare to learn some useful new skills and above all have fun!
42 Mastering regular Expressions Hi Pythonistas, it's beginning of the month so we're busy selecting some cool code challenges for you to work on to hone your Python skills. Regular Expressions was a long time coming so let's get it out there. We hope we hit a decent intermediate level with this challenge. If you have questions ask us in the comments or join our Slack.
48 Create a Python News Digest Tool Hi Pythonistas, welcome to a new year of challenges. Are you as amazed as we are by all the awesome Python stuff that comes out every week? But then you feel you always are behind because you lack the time to keep up? Welcome to daily reality. In this challenge we have you contribute to our community with tools to improve our weekly delivery of Python News. Be creative, have fun!
52 Create your own Pomodoro Timer Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 52! In this challenge we get you create your very own Pomodoro Timer!
56 Calculate the Duration of a Directory of Audio Files Hi Pythonistas, Welcome to Pybites Code Challenge 56! In this challenge we're asking you to work with directory, files and audio meta data!
63 Automatically Generate Blog Featured Images Hey Pythonistas, in this new blog code challenge you are going to use selenium to automatically generate some cool featured images for PyBites. Have fun!