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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 203. Type hinting practice Intermediate level It's time for some type hinting! For this bite, you …
3.10 classes dataclasses type hinting
Bite 95. Subclass the dict built-in Intermediate level In this Bite you will subclass the dict built-in to …
3.10 classes inheritance
Bite 207. Cached property decorator Advanced level Given the sample class Planet, computing the mass attribute of …
3.10 caching classes decorators properties
Bite 230. Thumbs up for operator overloading Intermediate level In this Bite we learn a bit of operator overloading. …
3.10 classes dunder methods emojis exception handling operator overloading
Bite 248. Test a number guessing game Advanced level In this Bite you test a simple number guessing game …
3.7 classes exception handling games mock.patch pytest
Bite 199. Multiple inheritance (__mro__) Intermediate level Implement the following class structure: print(Child.__mro__): (<class '__main__.Child'>, <class '__main__.Father'>, …
3.10 classes inheritance __mro__ multiple inheritance
Bite 181. Keep a list sorted upon insert Beginner level Complete the add method of the OrderedList class which takes …
3.10 bisect classes data structures __str__
Bite 196. Create a JS-like dict object Advanced level In this Bite we challenge you to make a dict-like …
3.10 classes dict inheritance javascript
Bite 240. Write tests for an Account class Advanced level In our third Test Bite you will write tests for …
3.7 classes pytest
Bite 269. Taxable Income Calculator Advanced level I have no idea what rabbit hole I followed to …
3.10 classes dataclasses finance namedtuple properties typing
Bite 59. Create a multiplication table class of variable length Intermediate level Danny does not like rote learning (nor do we!). He …
3.10 classes dunder methods exception handling numbers
Bite 282. Evaluate a Bridge hand Advanced level In this bite you will implement a BridgeHand class representing …
3.10 classes enum exception handling looping properties sorting
Bite 85. Write a score property Advanced level After Bite 19. Write a simple property let's write a …
3.10 classes properties
Bite 249. Test a movie DB class Advanced level Time for fixtures, one of pytest's killer features or as …
3.7 classes fixtures movie data pytest SQL sqlite3
Bite 229. Scrape best programming books Advanced level For this bite, you are going to scrape the books …
3.10 beautifulsoup books classes data cleaning data wrangling sorting web scraping
Bite 138. OOP fun at the Zoo Intermediate level Finish the Animal class below adding one or more class …
3.10 classes classmethod itertools __str__
Bite 168. Ninja Rankings Advanced level PyBites is starting a campaign to try and pair up …
3.10 bisect classes dataclasses dunder methods heapq tuples
Bite 309. A simple document class Intermediate level When we want to transform our data often, method chaining …
3.10 annotations classes method chaining properties string
Bite 220. Analysing @pythonbytes RSS feed Advanced level Another feedparser exercise! In this Bite we're going to analyze …
3.10 classes Counter feedparser max min namedtuple regular expressions string matching type hinting
Bite 167. Complete a User class: properties and representation dunder methods Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with another class, User …
3.10 classes dunder methods f-strings properties __repr__ __str__ string manipulation
Bite 313. Alternative constructors Intermediate level In this Bite your are provided with a Domain class …
3.10 classes classmethod
Bite 12. Write a user validation function Intermediate level Create a function that takes a username and checks for …
3.10 classes exception handling namedtuple
Bite 24. ABC's and class inheritance Advanced level ABC's or Abstract Base Classes are great to enforce a …
3.10 ABCs abstractmethod classes inheritance
Bite 25. No promo twice, keep state in a class Intermediate level In this bite a real world scenario: PyBites has a …
3.10 classes exception handling properties
Bite 34. Building a Karma app - implement the User class Advanced level This Bite is about implementing a User class that keeps …
3.10 classes dunder methods namedtuple operator overloading properties
Bite 42. Number Guessing Game Class Advanced level In this Bite you implement a Game class to perform …
3.10 classes games random
Bite 71. Keep state in a class + make its instance callable Intermediate level In this Bite you write a small class to keep …
3.10 classes dunder methods
Bite 166. Complete a tox ini file parser class Intermediate level The INI file format is an informal standard for configuration …
3.10 classes configparser properties string matching string parsing tox
Newbie Bite 37. Make a Class In this Bite, you'll learn about writing Python classes. Classes …
3.10 classes newbie
Newbie Bite 39. Make a Dataclass In this Bite, you'll explore Python dataclasses, introduced in Python …
3.10 classes dataclasses newbie
Newbie Bite 38. Class With Str This Bite continues where the previous class Bite left off. …
3.10 classes dunder methods newbie
Bite 154. Write your own Data Class Intermediate level As you might have noticed we are now on Python …
3.10 dataclasses data structures hashable sorting type hinting
Bite 174. String manipulation and metrics Advanced level This bite will get you to play around with creating …
3.10 Counter dataclasses list comprehensions properties string formatting string manipulation translate
Bite 187. Actor/actress age at movie release Intermediate level Ever wondered how old an actor/actress was in a particular …
3.10 dataclasses dateutil f-strings
Bite 243. Test code that parses JSON and IP ranges Intermediate level Another Test Bite, we ❀️them 😁- today you will write …
3.7 dataclasses ipaddress json pytest
Bite 261. Visit all PyCons in Europe Intermediate level In Bite 256 you scraped data on 2019 PyCons. Now …
3.10 data analysis dataclasses itertools math
Bite 264. Clamy Fernet Intermediate level In this bite, you are going to get familiar with …
3.8 cryptography dataclasses encode encryption fernet typing
Bite 266. Composition, Inheritance, Abstract Base Class, what? Advanced level It’s not as bad as that sounds, really. If you …
3.10 ABCs abstractmethod beautifulsoup composition dataclasses inheritance namedtuple string formatting typing urllib web scraping
Bite 320. sortable dataclasses and enums Intermediate level Write an enum called BiteLevel and a dataclass called Bite …
3.10 dataclasses dunder methods enum sorting
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions Advanced level Let your mind wander and tell us what you think …
3.10 crontab dataclasses datetime exception handling iteration
Bite 200. πŸ₯³ Minecraft Enchantable Items Advanced level My kids love Minecraft and they always want me to …
3.10 beautifulsoup web scraping
Bite 290. Class Rosters Data Conversion Intermediate level You have been given a comma-delimited .csv file containing class …
3.10 csv string parsing tuple unpacking
Bite 369. Advanced Type Hints Intermediate level In the previous Bite you have started annotating code with …
3.10 annotations type hinting
Newbie Bite 35. Working With Dates In this bite, we are going to explore the datetime module …
3.10 datetime imports modules newbie