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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 328. Longest coding streak Advanced level What is your longest streak of completed Bites? In Bite …
3.10 fromordinal itertools timezones toordinal
Bite 312. Scoring objects Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to score objects: Object …
3.10 builtins importlib keyword typing
Bite 113. Filter words with non-ascii characters Intermediate level In this Bite you extract words from a text that …
3.10 all ascii ord unicode
Bite 87. Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals Intermediate level Complete romanize that takes a decimal number and converts it …
3.10 numbers OrderedDict
Bite 72. Retrieve the right Ninja Belt based on score Intermediate level As you have probably seen on the dashboard you can …
3.10 itertools OrderedDict
Bite 3. Word Values Intermediate level Find the dictionary word with the highest value using Scrabble rules. …
3.10 freebie max Scrabble sum
Bite 18. Find the most common word Intermediate level Write a function that returns the most common (non stop)word …
3.10 Counter data analysis list comprehensions
Bite 23. Find words that are > 95% similar Advanced level Given a list of tags of our blog find the …
3.10 difflib file processing findall itertools SequenceMatcher
Bite 43. Force keyword arguments Beginner level Write a function called get_profile that only allows 2 keyword …
3.10 function arguments kwargs
Bite 47. Write a new password field validator Intermediate level You know these Create a new password forms? They do …
3.10 re string module
Bite 65. Get all valid dictionary words for a draw of letters Intermediate level This Bite focusses on the use of itertools. To that …
3.10 itertools Scrabble set
Bite 81. Filter and order tweets by polarity values Intermediate level In this Bite we collected some random tweets and populated …
3.10 namedtuple TextBlob Twitter
Intro Bite 03. Loop through a dictionary and pluralise a word Intro level You're given a dictionary of people and the number of …
3.10 dict freebie looping
Bite 118. List exercise: return first occurrence indices of duplicated words Intermediate level In this Bite you are presented with a list of …
3.10 counting list comprehensions set
Bite 121. Determine the strength of a password Advanced level In this Bite you evaluate the strength of a password. …
3.10 re string matching
Bite 122. Check if two words are anagrams Intermediate level An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging …
3.10 anagram string matching
Bite 127. Return the right ordinal suffix for a number Intermediate level In this Bite you complete a function that takes an …
3.10 dict modulo numbers string manipulation
Bite 132. Find the word with the most vowels Intermediate level Finish the get_word_max_vowels function below that takes a text string …
3.10 counting lambda list comprehensions string matching
Bite 145. Record Breakers Advanced level The data for this challenge comes from a subset of …
3.10 csv data analysis pandas
Bite 149. Sorting words with constraint Beginner level Here is a list of words Jacob is trying to …
3.10 lambda sorting string manipulation
Bite 272. Find common words Intermediate level Given two sentences that each contains words in case insensitive …
3.10 algorithms set operations string matching
Bite 304. Most identical letters in a word Intermediate level In this Bite, you will write a function called max_letter_word() …
3.10 casefold Counter max string matching
Bite 347. Which words can you type with one hand? Beginner level In this Bite you will write a function that takes …
3.10 comparison enum set
Bite 362. Add a Password Prompt to Your Command Line Interface (CLI) Intermediate level Let's get serious. Your Command Line Interface (CLI) works and …
3.10 command line Typer
Newbie Bite 31. Word Count In this bite, we are going to explore two useful …
3.10 methods newbie strings