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Bite Level Description & Tags
Intro Bite 06. Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements Intro level In this Bite we'd like you to loop over the …
3.10 counting freebie regular expressions replace string manipulation Zen of Python
Intro Bite 08. Loop over a dict of namedtuples calculating a total score Intro level In this Bite you calculate the total amount of points …
3.10 counting dict freebie namedtuple
Bite 115. Count leading spaces Beginner level A small but interesting Bite: given a string with leading …
3.10 counting string matching
Bite 118. List exercise: return first occurrence indices of duplicated words Intermediate level In this Bite you are presented with a list of …
3.10 counting list comprehensions set
Bite 129. Analyze Stock Data Intermediate level In this Bite we will answer some questions about stocks, …
3.10 counting data analysis json requests sorting string manipulation
Bite 132. Find the word with the most vowels Intermediate level Finish the get_word_max_vowels function below that takes a text string …
3.10 counting lambda list comprehensions string matching
Bite 161. Count the number of files and directories Beginner level Complete count_dirs_and_files traversing the passed in directory path. Return a …
3.10 counting directories files os module
Bite 205. Female speakers @ Pycon US Intermediate level After our Code Challenge 62 / Alicante PyDay last week, …
3.10 beautifulsoup counting data wrangling gender_guesser
Bite 270. Most frequent digit in number Beginner level Given an integer number, find the most frequent digit in …
3.10 Counter counting numbers
Bite 16. PyBites date generator Beginner level Write a generator that returns every 100th day counting forward from …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 177. Use Pandas to find most common genres in a movie excel sheet Advanced level Another pandas Bite: we took some fake movie data from …
3.10 data cleaning excel groupby movie data pandas
Bite 263. Count the number of islands in a grid Intermediate level You are tasked with counting the amount of islands in …
3.10 algorithms looping string
PCC Title Summary
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