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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 6. PyBites Die Hard Intermediate level Given a listing of files for our community branch, determine: …
3.10 Counter file processing generators namedtuple
Bite 14. Generate a table of n sequences Intermediate level Write a function that receives one or more sequences. The …
3.10 generators zip
Bite 16. PyBites date generator Beginner level Write a generator that returns every 100th day counting forward from …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 99. Write an infinite sequence generator Intermediate level Write a generator that produces the sequence [1, 'A', 2, …
3.10 generators itertools string module zip
Bite 116. List and filter files in a directory Intermediate level In this Bite you complete get_files that receives a dirname …
3.10 generators glob os module
Bite 151. Contemporary Composers Intermediate level You are given a list of operas and a list …
3.10 datetime dict exception handling generators namedtuple
Bite 189. Filter a list of names Beginner level Here is a Bite to practice the continue and break …
3.10 break continue generators looping
Bite 214. A countdown generator Beginner level Write a simple generator that counts from 100 to 1. …
3.10 generators
Bite 219. Bite notification planner Intermediate level Another real world use case. When we added notifications to …
3.10 datetime generators
Bite 222. Split an iterable in groups of size n Intermediate level In this Bite you will complete the group function that …
3.10 generators iterators itertools looping
Bite 164. CLI tool: HTML link converter (stdin to stdout) Advanced level In this Bite you are going to help your team …
3.10 data wrangling exception handling html stdin string formatting string manipulation sys
Bite 364. Create Wikipedia Lorem Ipsum text Intermediate level Lorem Ipsum is text used to demonstrate layout in documents …
3.10 beautifulsoup list comprehensions random regular expressions requests