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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 324. Pretty string Beginner level Write a function that returns a neatly formatted string representation …
3.10 pprint
Newbie Bite 03. Basic Printing Before we dive too far into these objects, let's quickly …
3.10 freebie newbie print
Newbie Bite 04. Printing Objects Excellent! We know things! Now that we have data assigned …
3.10 newbie print
Bite 314. Print names to columns Beginner level In this Bite you will use the modulo operation. You …
3.10 f-strings modulo print
Bite 48. Make a bar chart of new Safari books Intermediate level Some time ago we made a little Slack bot to …
3.10 bar chart data analysis
Bite 54. Nicer formatting of a poem or text Beginner level In this Bite you complete print_hanging_indents to print a poem …
3.10 string manipulation textwrap
Bite 76. The singledispatch countdown challenge Advanced level We are stoked and grateful to have Martin have you …
3.10 decorators functools singledispatch
Bite 82. Define a Score Enum and customize it adding methods Intermediate level Starting Python 3.4 there is support for enumerations (not to …
3.10 classmethod enum __str__
Bite 85. Write a score property Advanced level After Bite 19. Write a simple property let's write a …
3.10 classes properties
Bite 88. Write a performance monitoring context manager Advanced level It's time for Context Managers part II. In Bite 20 …
3.10 context managers Counter
Bite 92. Humanize a datetime Intermediate level In this Bite you will convert a timedelta object into …
3.10 datetime namedtuple
Bite 95. Subclass the dict built-in Intermediate level In this Bite you will subclass the dict built-in to …
3.10 classes inheritance
Bite 98. Code your way out of a grid Advanced level Given a 2D grid of equal length x and y, …
3.10 looping namedtuple numbers tuple unpacking
Intro Bite 01. F-strings and a simple if/else Intro level Welcome to our Intro Bites, it's time to gauge where …
3.10 freebie f-strings if/else
Intro Bite 02. Infinite loop, input, continue and break Intro level In this Bite we'll get you to take user input …
3.10 break continue freebie input mock.patch while
Bite 119. Xmas tree generator Intermediate level In this Bite you complete generate_xmas_tree that takes a rows …
3.10 default args join range string formatting
Bite 138. OOP fun at the Zoo Intermediate level Finish the Animal class below adding one or more class …
3.10 classes classmethod itertools __str__
Bite 148. print Car Data Grouped by Manufacturer Intermediate level In this Bite you are presented with a list of …
3.10 data structures itertools operator sorting
Bite 171. Make a terminal spinner animation Advanced level In this Bite you will spice up your command line …
3.10 command line itertools stdout sys time
Bite 172. Having fun with Python Partials Beginner level Meet another gem in the standard library: functools, which contains …
3.10 functools partial rounding
Bite 176. Create a variable length chessboard Beginner level In this Bite you are going to print a chessboard …
3.10 modulo range stdout
Bite 200. 🥳 Minecraft Enchantable Items Advanced level My kids love Minecraft and they always want me to …
3.10 beautifulsoup web scraping
Newbie Bite 05. Basic Maths We're able to print integers. Now what? Yep, it's time …
3.10 math newbie
Bite 229. Scrape best programming books Advanced level For this bite, you are going to scrape the books …
3.10 beautifulsoup books classes data cleaning data wrangling sorting web scraping
Bite 246. Test print / standard output Beginner level In this Bite you test a function that prints to …
3.7 capfd capsys list comprehensions pytest stdout
Bite 323. Iterables intersection Beginner level In this bite we are going to work on coding …
3.10 functools set operations
Bite 326. Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) printer Intermediate level In this Bite we familiarise with Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). …
3.10 AST
Bite 367. Add Pi Day to the calendar Intermediate level Python has a brilliant but often overlooked module called calendar. …
3.10 calendar tuple unpacking