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Bite Level Description & Tags
Newbie Bite 42. List Comprehension In this Bite, you will learn how to write list …
3.10 integer isdigit list comprehensions newbie numbers
Bite 319. Identity and equality Beginner level Identity and equality are two important concepts in Python. Please …
3.10 equality integer caching staticmethod
Bite 136. Bloodtypes Beginner level Check red blood cell compatibility between donor and recipient. For …
3.10 enum exception handling multi type input
Bite 241. Write tests for list_to_decimal Beginner level Our 4th test Bite. Michael made a calculator that will …
3.7 exception handling freebie pytest
Bite 253. More Pandas Series Practice Intermediate level In Bite 251 and Bite 252 we looked at creating …
3.10 math pandas series statistics
Bite 270. Most frequent digit in number Beginner level Given an integer number, find the most frequent digit in …
3.10 Counter counting numbers
Bite 277. Number of coin changes Advanced level Pat is going to apply for a cashier job in …
3.10 algorithms dynamic programming
Bite 299. Base converter Intermediate level For this challenge, you are going to have write a …
3.10 base exception handling
Bite 330. Simple Math Equation Solver Advanced level Your task is to write a simple math equation solver. …
3.10 exception handling itertools list operations math operator
Bite 331. Convolution in Neural Networks Advanced level Finally a Bite about deep learning! At least, about one …
3.10 deep learning numpy
Bite 366. Goal Tracker Intermediate level In this Bite, you build a function that tells you …
3.10 date datetime tuple unpacking
Bite 367. Add Pi Day to the calendar Intermediate level Python has a brilliant but often overlooked module called calendar. …
3.10 calendar tuple unpacking