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Bite Level Description & Tags
Newbie Bite 24. Tuples One data type we've yet to cover is the tuple. …
3.10 newbie tuples
Newbie Bite 14. Functions Here we go, the big one. Functions! This is where …
3.10 functions newbie
Newbie Bite 16. Equals Operator In this quick bite we'll teach out about the equals …
3.10 equality newbie
Newbie Bite 04. Printing Objects Excellent! We know things! Now that we have data assigned …
3.10 newbie print
Newbie Bite 25. Calling a function The last Bite! Let's actually use what we've created by …
3.10 functions newbie
Newbie Bite 22. For loops It's time to move on to a slightly more complex …
3.10 looping newbie
Newbie Bite 01. Assigning Objects Welcome to our Newbie Bites, it's time to learn the …
3.10 freebie newbie variables
Newbie Bite 06. Additional Maths Let's quickly cover off the rest of the math operators. …
3.10 math newbie
Newbie Bite 10. Returning items by list index Lists are pretty awesome (both in Python and in real …
3.10 list newbie
Newbie Bite 21. Comments Time to look at one of the more useful aspects …
3.10 comments newbie
Newbie Bite 15. Functions part II Functions can be kind of tricky to start off with …
3.10 functions newbie
Newbie Bite 20. While loop The next challenge is to learn all about the while …
3.10 newbie while
Newbie Bite 19. Less than and greater than We'll now take a look at usage of the "less …
3.10 comparison newbie
Newbie Bite 09. Lists Next up on our Python journey we're going to dive …
3.10 list newbie
Newbie Bite 11. Adding and Removing items from a list Now that we have our list, what if we decide …
3.10 list newbie
Newbie Bite 05. Basic Maths We're able to print integers. Now what? Yep, it's time …
3.10 math newbie
Newbie Bite 13. Dict data retrieval methods Excellent! We know what a dict is and what it …
3.10 newbie
Newbie Bite 07. User Input Quite often as you make scripts and applications you're going …
3.10 input newbie
Newbie Bite 08. String Manipulation There are times you'll need to manipulate the strings you've …
3.10 newbie string manipulation
Newbie Bite 12. Dicts It's time to dive into the next data structure in …
3.10 dict list newbie
Newbie Bite 03. Basic Printing Before we dive too far into these objects, let's quickly …
3.10 freebie newbie print
Newbie Bite 17. If / else It's time to look at the amazing if statement! It's …
3.10 if/else newbie
Newbie Bite 18. Truthiness One of the things we often need to check when …
3.10 newbie truthiness
Newbie Bite 02. Basic Data Types If you really think about it, there are multiple different …
3.10 data types freebie newbie
Newbie Bite 23. Looping through a dict While we've explained how for loops work, it's worth diving …
3.10 dict newbie
Newbie Bite 35. Working With Dates In this bite, we are going to explore the datetime module …
3.10 datetime imports modules newbie
Newbie Bite 32. Dict Retrieval - part 2 In this bite, we are going to revisit dictionaries. The …
3.10 dictionaries newbie
Newbie Bite 34. Random Module In this Bite, you'll write a simple number guessing game …
3.10 imports modules newbie random
Newbie Bite 33. Dict Retrieval - part 3 In this bite, we continue our exploration of Python dictionaries. …
3.10 dictionaries newbie
Newbie Bite 48. String Module In this exercise, you'll practice writing another list comprehension (a …
3.10 list comprehensions newbie string manipulation string module
Newbie Bite 40. Scope In this Bite, you'll learn about variable scope in Python. …
3.10 newbie scope
Newbie Bite 42. List Comprehension In this Bite, you will learn how to write list …
3.10 integer isdigit list comprehensions newbie numbers
Newbie Bite 44. Constants In this Bite, you'll learn about assigning and using constants …
3.10 constants math newbie
Newbie Bite 43. Named Tuple In Python, a namedtuple is a type of container similar …
3.10 collections namedtuples newbie
Newbie Bite 45. Exceptions In this Bite, we introduce you to the essentials of …
3.10 error handling exceptions functions newbie
Newbie Bite 49. Formatting Intro In this Bite, you'll learn about string interpolation using the …
3.10 .format() newbie string interpolation strings
Newbie Bite 26. Reading Errors Welcome to the second half of the Newbie Bites. We …
3.10 debugging error handling newbie syntax errors
Newbie Bite 50. Read The Docs Welcome to the last Newbie Bite! 🎉 In this Bite, …
3.10 collections counter documentation newbie reading docs
Newbie Bite 37. Make a Class In this Bite, you'll learn about writing Python classes. Classes …
3.10 classes newbie
Newbie Bite 29. Default Arguments In this Bite, we are going to explore the concept …
3.10 arguments functions newbie
Newbie Bite 27. Failing Tests As you continue your coding journey on our platform, it's …
3.10 debugging newbie pytest testing
Newbie Bite 36. Working With Dates - part 2 In this Bite, we are going to continue working with …
3.10 imports modules newbie
Newbie Bite 39. Make a Dataclass In this Bite, you'll explore Python dataclasses, introduced in Python …
3.10 classes dataclasses newbie
Newbie Bite 47. In Operator In this Bite, you'll learn how to use the in …
3.10 collections in operator lists newbie
Newbie Bite 31. Word Count In this bite, we are going to explore two useful …
3.10 methods newbie strings
Newbie Bite 38. Class With Str This Bite continues where the previous class Bite left off. …
3.10 classes dunder methods newbie
Newbie Bite 46. For Loop With Break And Continue In this Bite, you'll learn how to control the flow …
3.10 break continue control flow loops newbie
Newbie Bite 28. Type Hints In this bite, we are going to explore type hints …
3.10 newbie type hints
Newbie Bite 41. String Manipulations In this Bite, you'll learn more about manipulating strings in …
3.10 lists lowercase newbie slicing split string manipulation strings strip
Newbie Bite 30. Special Chars In this Bite, you'll learn about special characters in Python …
3.10 newbie newline special characters strings tab