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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 53. Convert text into multiple columns Advanced level You run a news site and you got feedback that …
3.10 string manipulation
Bite 68. Remove punctuation characters from a string Beginner level Complete remove_punctuation which receives an input string and strips out …
3.10 string manipulation string module
Bite 224. Get sentences from a text Advanced level Here is another fun regex exercise for you: it's easy …
3.10 data wrangling regular expressions string manipulation
Bite 182. Parse a bunch of quotes from HTML Intermediate level Let's get some inspiration. Below you find the simplified HTML …
3.10 dict regular expressions string manipulation string parsing
Bite 225. Swap case PyBites characters Beginner level In this Bite you will swap case all pybites characters …
3.10 looping string manipulation string parsing
Bite 112. Social Media Username Validator Advanced level In this Bite you parse social_platforms below into a dict …
3.10 namedtuple range re regular expressions string manipulation string matching typing
Bite 127. Return the right ordinal suffix for a number Intermediate level In this Bite you complete a function that takes an …
3.10 dict modulo numbers string manipulation
Bite 131. Screen scraper Advanced level This is the output from using screenFetch on my junky …
3.10 dict index regular expressions slicing string manipulation
Bite 259. Reverse complement Intermediate level In the majority of organisms, the genetic code is encoded …
3.10 bioinformatics string manipulation translate
Bite 139. Calculate a coding streak in days Advanced level In this Bite you are going to calculate the amount …
3.10 datetime string manipulation timedelta
Bite 234. Capitalize sentences Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to capitalize sentences in …
3.10 regular expressions string manipulation string matching string parsing
Bite 165. Parse an /etc/passwd file output Beginner level The /etc/passwd file is a text-based database of information about …
3.10 split string manipulation tuple unpacking
Bite 155. Split a string by spaces or quoted text Intermediate level Another text manipulation Bite. Code split_words_and_quoted_text that takes a text …
3.10 split string manipulation
Bite 276. Get Father's days by date and country Advanced level Happy belated Father's day (unless you are in Australia or …
3.10 dateutil string manipulation string parsing
Bite 164. CLI tool: HTML link converter (stdin to stdout) Advanced level In this Bite you are going to help your team …
3.10 data wrangling exception handling html stdin string formatting string manipulation sys
Bite 191. Starwars character with highest BMI Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse a multiline string of …
3.10 max operator string manipulation tuple unpacking
Bite 250. PyBites URL Shortener Advanced level URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web …
3.10 decode dict encode string manipulation string module type hinting
Bite 291. Find the fastest speech Intermediate level In this Bite you will parse an SRT (SubRip Subtitle …
3.10 datetime sorting string manipulation
Bite 286. Decompress Intermediate level Write a function, called decompress(), that accepts a string and …
3.10 recursion string manipulation
Bite 302. Get and write all code from a JSON file Intermediate level You are given a sample JSON file containing, among other …
3.10 filecmp file processing json string manipulation
Bite 152. Manipulate string decorator Advanced level Write a decorator called strip_range that replaces characters with dots. …
3.10 decorators kwargs list string manipulation
Bite 129. Analyze Stock Data Intermediate level In this Bite we will answer some questions about stocks, …
3.10 counting data analysis json requests sorting string manipulation
Bite 329. Convert dict keys to snake case Advanced level In this Bite we will take a (nested) dict and …
3.10 algorithms recursion string manipulation
Bite 223. Unix file permissions Intermediate level Each file and directory in Unix has its permissions broken …
3.10 dict list comprehensions string manipulation
Bite 174. String manipulation and metrics Advanced level This bite will get you to play around with creating …
3.10 Counter dataclasses list comprehensions properties string formatting string manipulation translate
Bite 167. Complete a User class: properties and representation dunder methods Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with another class, User …
3.10 classes dunder methods f-strings properties __repr__ __str__ string manipulation
Newbie Bite 08. String Manipulation There are times you'll need to manipulate the strings you've …
3.10 newbie string manipulation
Intro Bite 06. Strip out vowels and count the number of replacements Intro level In this Bite we'd like you to loop over the …
3.10 counting freebie regular expressions replace string manipulation Zen of Python
Intro Bite 09. Workout dictionary lookups Intro level In this Bite you learn how to lookup values from …
3.10 dict exception handling format freebie string manipulation ternary
Bite 54. Nicer formatting of a poem or text Beginner level In this Bite you complete print_hanging_indents to print a poem …
3.10 string manipulation textwrap
Bite 133. Convert an Amazon URL into an affiliation link Beginner level Can you help PyBites automate their Amazon affiliation link creation? …
3.10 regular expressions string manipulation
Bite 149. Sorting words with constraint Beginner level Here is a list of words Jacob is trying to …
3.10 lambda sorting string manipulation
Bite 150. Turn messy CSV into JSON Intermediate level At the 1 year mark of our platform here is …
3.10 csv json pandas re string manipulation
Bite 163. Which packages were upgraded? Intermediate level In this Bite you compare a list of packages (aka …
3.10 comparison dict numbers string manipulation
Newbie Bite 48. String Module In this exercise, you'll practice writing another list comprehension (a …
3.10 list comprehensions newbie string manipulation string module
Newbie Bite 41. String Manipulations In this Bite, you'll learn more about manipulating strings in …
3.10 lists lowercase newbie slicing split string manipulation strings strip
PCC Title Summary
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