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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 68. Remove punctuation characters from a string Beginner level Complete remove_punctuation which receives an input string and strips out …
3.10 string manipulation string module
Bite 61. Create a variable size Paw Patrol card deck with random actions Advanced level The Paw Patrol card deck consists of 32 cards ranging …
3.10 itertools namedtuple random string module
Bite 47. Write a new password field validator Intermediate level You know these Create a new password forms? They do …
3.10 re string module
Bite 44. License key generator Beginner level Write a function called gen_key that creates a license key …
3.10 list comprehensions secrets string module
Bite 29. Martin's IQ test Beginner level Martin is preparing to pass an IQ test. The most …
3.10 enumerate string module
Bite 99. Write an infinite sequence generator Intermediate level Write a generator that produces the sequence [1, 'A', 2, …
3.10 generators itertools string module zip
Intro Bite 05. Slice and dice Intro level Take the block of text provided and strip off the …
3.10 freebie replace slicing split string module strip
Bite 114. Implement a Color class with staticmethod Intermediate level As the new junior developer, you have been charged with …
3.10 hex __repr__ staticmethod __str__ string module
Bite 250. PyBites URL Shortener Advanced level URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web …
3.10 decode dict encode string manipulation string module type hinting
Bite 251. Introducing Pandas Series Beginner level Let's get started with Pandas! In case you are not …
3.10 pandas series string module
Newbie Bite 48. String Module In this exercise, you'll practice writing another list comprehension (a …
3.10 list comprehensions newbie string manipulation string module
PCC Title Summary
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