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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 350. Learn to handle cron schedule expressions Advanced level Let your mind wander and tell us what you think …
3.10 crontab dataclasses datetime exception handling iteration
Bite 195. Analyze NBA Data with sqlite3 Intermediate level In this Bite you are going to use sqlite3! We …
3.10 data analysis databases SQL sqlite3
Bite 307. SQLite3 introduction Intermediate level In this Bite, you are going to get some practice …
3.10 databases SQL sqlite3
Bite 32. Don't let mutability fool you Beginner level In this Bite you are presented with a function that …
3.10 deepcopy mutability
Newbie Bite 30. Special Chars In this Bite, you'll learn about special characters in Python …
3.10 newbie newline special characters strings tab
Bite 3. Word Values Intermediate level Find the dictionary word with the highest value using Scrabble rules. …
3.10 freebie max Scrabble sum
Bite 14. Generate a table of n sequences Intermediate level Write a function that receives one or more sequences. The …
3.10 generators zip
Bite 28. Converting date strings to datetimes Intermediate level In this Bite you are provided with a list of …
3.10 Counter datetime findall
Bite 29. Martin's IQ test Beginner level Martin is preparing to pass an IQ test. The most …
3.10 enumerate string module
Bite 57. Create a simple calculator that receives command line arguments Intermediate level In this Bite you write a simple calculator that can …
3.10 argparse functools reduce
Bite 59. Create a multiplication table class of variable length Intermediate level Danny does not like rote learning (nor do we!). He …
3.10 classes dunder methods exception handling numbers
Bite 73. Organize a meeting between timezones (pytz) Intermediate level Help PyBites community friends find a reasonable common time to …
3.10 pytz timezones
Bite 75. Parse Unix cal to a weekday mapping Advanced level In the last bite we return the weekday from a …
3.10 re Unix zip
Bite 82. Define a Score Enum and customize it adding methods Intermediate level Starting Python 3.4 there is support for enumerations (not to …
3.10 classmethod enum __str__
Bite 85. Write a score property Advanced level After Bite 19. Write a simple property let's write a …
3.10 classes properties
Bite 86. Create a RGB-to-Hex converter Intermediate level Designer Mary wants to convert her CSS from statements like …
3.10 string formatting
Bite 115. Count leading spaces Beginner level A small but interesting Bite: given a string with leading …
3.10 counting string matching
Bite 163. Which packages were upgraded? Intermediate level In this Bite you compare a list of packages (aka …
3.10 comparison dict numbers string manipulation
Bite 200. 🥳 Minecraft Enchantable Items Advanced level My kids love Minecraft and they always want me to …
3.10 beautifulsoup web scraping
Bite 242. Zodiacal data parsing Advanced level In this Bite we will write tests for a module …
3.7 datetime fixtures pytest
Bite 320. sortable dataclasses and enums Intermediate level Write an enum called BiteLevel and a dataclass called Bite …
3.10 dataclasses dunder methods enum sorting
Bite 361. Rich Excursion - Create Beautiful tables Intermediate level This will be a quick Bite showing you how to …
3.10 command line rich Typer
Bite 377. Coins on the table Intermediate level You start with 1,001 pennies lined up on a table. …
PCC Title Summary
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