Template: bitesofpy | Go back

  • Day 1: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 1. Sum n numbers: https://codechalleng.es/bites/1 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 2: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 5. Parse a list of names: https://codechalleng.es/bites/5 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 3: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 8. Rotate string characters: https://codechalleng.es/bites/8 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 4: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 15. Enumerate 2 sequences: https://codechalleng.es/bites/15 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 5: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 16. Special PyBites date generator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/16 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 6: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 19. Write a simple property: https://codechalleng.es/bites/19 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 7: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 21. Query a nested data structure: https://codechalleng.es/bites/21 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 8: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 26. Dictionary comprehensions are awesome: https://codechalleng.es/bites/26 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 9: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 29. Martin's IQ test: https://codechalleng.es/bites/29 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 10: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 32. Don't let mutability fool you: https://codechalleng.es/bites/32 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 11: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 37. Rewrite a for loop using recursion: https://codechalleng.es/bites/37 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 12: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 38. Using ElementTree to parse XML: https://codechalleng.es/bites/38 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 13: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 43. Force keyword arguments: https://codechalleng.es/bites/43 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 14: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 44. License key generator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/44 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 15: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 45. Keep a queue of last n items: https://codechalleng.es/bites/45 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 16: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 46. You are a programmer! Code Fizz Buzz: https://codechalleng.es/bites/46 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 17: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 54. Nicer formatting of a poem or text: https://codechalleng.es/bites/54 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 18: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 55. Get the latest game releases from Steam's RSS feed: https://codechalleng.es/bites/55 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 19: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 56. Add a command line interface to our BMI calculator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/56 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 20: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 64. Fix a truncating zip function: https://codechalleng.es/bites/64 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 21: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 66. Calculate the running average of a sequence: https://codechalleng.es/bites/66 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 22: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 67. Working with datetimes: https://codechalleng.es/bites/67 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 23: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 68. Remove punctuation characters from a string: https://codechalleng.es/bites/68 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 24: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 74. What day of the week were you born on?: https://codechalleng.es/bites/74 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 25: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 77. New places to travel to: https://codechalleng.es/bites/77 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 26: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 80. Check equality of two lists: https://codechalleng.es/bites/80 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 27: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 83. At what time does PyBites live?: https://codechalleng.es/bites/83 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 28: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 91. Matching multiple strings: https://codechalleng.es/bites/91 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 29: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 96. Build Unix' wc program in Python: https://codechalleng.es/bites/96 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 30: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 100. Display the last part of a file (Unix tail): https://codechalleng.es/bites/100 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 31: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 3. Word Values: https://codechalleng.es/bites/3 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 32: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 4. Top 10 PyBites tags: https://codechalleng.es/bites/4 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 33: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 6. PyBites Die Hard: https://codechalleng.es/bites/6 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 34: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 7. Parsing dates from logs: https://codechalleng.es/bites/7 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 35: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 9. Palindromes: https://codechalleng.es/bites/9 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 36: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 10. Practice exceptions: https://codechalleng.es/bites/10 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 37: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 12. Write a user validation function: https://codechalleng.es/bites/12 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 38: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 13. Convert dict to namedtuple/json: https://codechalleng.es/bites/13 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 39: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 14. Generate a table of n sequences: https://codechalleng.es/bites/14 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 40: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 17. Form teams from a group of friends: https://codechalleng.es/bites/17 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 41: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 18. Find the most common word: https://codechalleng.es/bites/18 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 42: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 22. Write a decorator with argument: https://codechalleng.es/bites/22 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 43: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 25. No promo twice, keep state in a class: https://codechalleng.es/bites/25 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 44: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 27. Parse omdb movie json data: https://codechalleng.es/bites/27 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 45: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 28. Converting date strings to datetimes: https://codechalleng.es/bites/28 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 46: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 30. Movie data analysis: https://codechalleng.es/bites/30 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 47: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 33. Transpose a data structure: https://codechalleng.es/bites/33 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 48: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 35. Having fun with heapq: https://codechalleng.es/bites/35 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 49: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 36. Having fun with *args and **kwargs: https://codechalleng.es/bites/36 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 50: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 39. Calculate the total duration of a course: https://codechalleng.es/bites/39 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 51: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 41. Write a login_required decorator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/41 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 52: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 47. Write a new password field validator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/47 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 53: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 48. Make a bar chart of new Safari books: https://codechalleng.es/bites/48 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 54: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 49. Scrape Packt's html with BeautifulSoup: https://codechalleng.es/bites/49 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 55: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 51. When does Python 2 die on Planet Miller?: https://codechalleng.es/bites/51 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 56: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 57. Create a simple calculator that receives command line arguments: https://codechalleng.es/bites/57 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 57: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 59. Create a multiplication table class of variable length: https://codechalleng.es/bites/59 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 58: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 60. Create a deck of Uno cards: https://codechalleng.es/bites/60 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 59: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 62. Data structures matter - speed up your Python code: https://codechalleng.es/bites/62 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 60: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 65. Get all valid dictionary words for a draw of letters: https://codechalleng.es/bites/65 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 61: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 70. Create your own iterator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/70 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 62: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 71. Keep state in a class + make its instance callable: https://codechalleng.es/bites/71 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 63: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 72. Retrieve the right Ninja Belt based on score: https://codechalleng.es/bites/72 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 64: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 73. Organize a meeting between timezones (pytz): https://codechalleng.es/bites/73 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 65: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 78. Find programmers with common languages: https://codechalleng.es/bites/78 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 66: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 79. Parse a csv file and create a bar chart: https://codechalleng.es/bites/79 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 67: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 81. Filter and order tweets by polarity values: https://codechalleng.es/bites/81 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 68: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 82. Define a Score Enum and customize it adding methods: https://codechalleng.es/bites/82 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 69: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 84. Flatten lists recursively (Droste Bite): https://codechalleng.es/bites/84 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 70: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 86. Create a RGB-to-Hex converter: https://codechalleng.es/bites/86 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 71: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 87. Convert Decimal to Roman Numerals: https://codechalleng.es/bites/87 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 72: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 89. Playing with lists and dicts: https://codechalleng.es/bites/89 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 73: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 90. What South Park characters talk most?: https://codechalleng.es/bites/90 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 74: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 92. Humanize a datetime: https://codechalleng.es/bites/92 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 75: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 95. Subclass the dict built-in: https://codechalleng.es/bites/95 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 76: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 97. BeautifulSoup II - scrape US bank holidays: https://codechalleng.es/bites/97 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 77: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 99. Write an infinite sequence generator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/99 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 78: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 2. Regex Fun: https://codechalleng.es/bites/2 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 79: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 11. Enrich a class with dunder methods: https://codechalleng.es/bites/11 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 80: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 20. Write a context manager: https://codechalleng.es/bites/20 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 81: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 23. Find words that are > 95% similar: https://codechalleng.es/bites/23 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 82: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 24. ABC's and class inheritance: https://codechalleng.es/bites/24 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 83: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 31. Matrix multiplication / @ operator: https://codechalleng.es/bites/31 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 84: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 34. Building a Karma app - implement the User class: https://codechalleng.es/bites/34 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 85: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 40. Write a binary search algorithm: https://codechalleng.es/bites/40 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 86: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 42. Number Guessing Game Class: https://codechalleng.es/bites/42 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 87: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 50. Make a little PyBites search engine (feedparser): https://codechalleng.es/bites/50 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 88: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 52. Create a movie quote API with Flask: https://codechalleng.es/bites/52 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 89: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 53. Convert text into multiple columns: https://codechalleng.es/bites/53 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 90: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 58. Using argparse to interface with a grocery cart: https://codechalleng.es/bites/58 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 91: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 61. Create a variable size Paw Patrol card deck with random actions: https://codechalleng.es/bites/61 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 92: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 63. Use an infinite iterator to simulate a traffic light: https://codechalleng.es/bites/63 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 93: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 69. Regex Fun - part II: https://codechalleng.es/bites/69 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 94: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 75. Parse Unix cal to a weekday mapping: https://codechalleng.es/bites/75 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 95: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 76. The singledispatch countdown challenge: https://codechalleng.es/bites/76 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 96: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 85. Write an advanced property: https://codechalleng.es/bites/85 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 97: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 88. Write a performance monitoring context manager: https://codechalleng.es/bites/88 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 98: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 93. Rock-paper-scissors and generator's send: https://codechalleng.es/bites/93 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 99: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 94. Parse PyCon talk data from YouTube: https://codechalleng.es/bites/94 - code more #Python @PyBites CodeChalleng.es #Python
  • Day 100: #100DaysOfCode progress: today I worked on Bite 98. Code your way out of a grid: https://codechalleng.es/bites/98 - #milestone: I coded 100 days in a row @PyBites CodeChalleng.es! #Python