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Bite Level Description & Tags
Bite 40. Write a binary search algorithm Advanced level There are many ways to search for an item in …
3.10 algorithms binary search
Bite 9. Palindromes Intermediate level Write a function to determine if a word or phrase …
3.10 algorithms list comprehensions max reverse
Bite 263. Count the number of islands in a grid Intermediate level You are tasked with counting the amount of islands in …
3.10 algorithms looping string
Bite 265. Optimal fund raising Intermediate level Here is another classic algorithm problem wrapped in a Bite. …
3.10 algorithms looping math
Bite 267. Measure the size of an island Intermediate level In this algorithm Bite, the challenge is to measure the …
3.10 algorithms looping math
Bite 268. Number Transformers Advanced level Inspired by the movie Transformer, John decides to design a …
3.10 algorithms numbers
Bite 272. Find common words Intermediate level Given two sentences that each contains words in case insensitive …
3.10 algorithms set operations string matching
Bite 273. Shortest path (Graph Bite) Advanced level Graph theory is popular in Math and Computer Science. A …
3.10 algorithms computer science graph
Bite 274. Number conversion problem Intermediate level Recursion in computer science is a method of solving a …
3.10 algorithms numbers recursion
Bite 277. Number of coin changes Advanced level Pat is going to apply for a cashier job in …
3.10 algorithms dynamic programming
Bite 279. Armstrong numbers Beginner level In number theory there are many interesting numbers - eg. …
3.10 algorithms numbers
Bite 284. Pascal triangle Intermediate level A Pascal triangle is a triangular array of integers constructed …
3.10 algorithms Pascal
Bite 329. Convert dict keys to snake case Advanced level In this Bite we will take a (nested) dict and …
3.10 algorithms recursion string manipulation
Bite 332. Searching for an apartment Intermediate level Bill is looking for a new apartment with good view, …
3.10 algorithms
Bite 333. Metropolis–Hastings Algorithm Advanced level In statistics and statistical physics, the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is a …
3.10 algorithms Markov chain Monte Carlo numpy statistics
Bite 372. Validate Pangram Beginner level A pangram, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is a …
algorithms hashing string strings
Bite 348. Citation indexes Intermediate level Academic research innovates by publishing papers, i.e., documents collecting ideas …
3.10 builtins exception handling typing
Bite 378. Organizational Chart Advanced level Of all the types of questions you are likely to …
binary tree depth-first search graph traversal